git gud. lockers literally ######### this killer you child. you can hear victors snarls from miles away, just look around and you're pretty much fine. if anything the twins need a buff, theyre like as weak as clown.
Camping and Tunnelling literally make you lose the game, if you get camped then you're literally winning the game for your team, and same for tunnelling (if you're bad at chase, that's your own flaws most of the time - unless the RNG is bad - but you're still allowing your team to safely do gens and get out). Sure, both…
just do the gens if youre not on the hook and get out, the killer is literally losing their games if they facecamp. dont ######### on hook quickly, and if your team are competent, you just got the rest of your team to escape.
DS needs a rework, it can be abused way too easily. Make it so that DS is active for 30 seconds, but the timer pauses in chase. DS can also deactivate if someone else gets unhooked or if you do anything to progress the game, such as healing or doing a generator/gate.