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  • Happened on 9 games out of 12 attempted games last night, we gave up trying to play in the end. We were a party of 2, it was loading into the game that we got the infinite screen. Had to task manager quit the game after 10mins of loading. Playing nea On steam With cross play enabled. Thank you
  • Yes vaults are screwed I'm not contesting that. What OP and all the other comments are about the new hit validation system. Which vaults haven't been added to. I'm all for them adding pallets to the new system should take away a lot of the pain points.
  • How exactly is the pallet mechanic highly flawed? The sever rejects the last action. So either the pallet is dropped first or the killer hits first but has terrible internet. Why should the other players suffer from poor latency? The vaults you speak of are not part of the new hit validation system. They have only added…
  • They don’t drop it too late. The pallet needs to be dropped and reach the halfway point on the servers end for the hit to be invalidated. It is quite literally which command reaches the sever first. So either the pallet dropped first or you have ######### internet. The hit animation is entirely client side and has nothing…
  • Its not BS or BM. A huge amount of matches were ending with Mori's, next to none with keys. They choose to bring Mori's in line with keys until they had a new system ready.
  • the current mori isnt a system change just a number one (from one hook to two). The new system is a complete over-hall with a way to 'earn' mori's and keys each match. Hopefully should be fun :D
  • That's why I think the skill check should continue after you stand. that way you cant abuse it.
  • It’s tied to the new Mori system where you have to ‘earn’ keys and mori’s each match. It’s not something you can just take. They touched on it on the anniversary stream. That being said they also mentioned that only 3% of survivors escape with keys so it’s pretty rare compared to the amount of survivors getting mori’d…
  • Cant really have a Jason skin for the same reason we cant have Jason. The license is still tied up in lawsuits. It would be over now but I think one of the judges died.
  • this is a non issue. devs have said only 2-3% of matches end with keys.
  • this is such a non issue. they said in a dev interview that only 2-3% of games end with keys. sure it doesn't feel good when playing killer, but endless forum posts for 2-3% of games is silly.
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