Dude, I’m sorry to say but coming here is the last place you will find even a shred of sympathy or any bit of help whatsoever. As i suspected simply by reading your title, there would be numerous posts saying “fix your internet”. “It’s your fault not the game”. After experiencing this as well today i think the honest…
Go find someone else’s post to troll and be toxic on. I owe you ZERO explanation yet I’ve provided one as to how I’ve gotten here. Get lost
How the hell do you think you’d be able to trouble shoot even if there was a problem and if it’s been fixed without playing it? It blows my mind that with a game plagued with bugs as this one and you even insinuate it must be me. You guys are something else
How about just figuring out a way to penalize people who intentionally leave the game. I must be crazy to think people shouldn’t be punished for things they can’t control.
Also you Mayyyyyy have seen a reduction in actual DC’d but i guarantee you’ve seen a dramatic increase in suicide on hook. How has this solved anything? There is no difference other than the killer has no way of suicide.
No it isn’t. It does nothing for the game, people just suicide on hook, there is no difference. Except now, anyone who gets disconnected for ANY REASON are very very bad people and will be felt with accordingly because you ruined an entire day of playing in a single match and you MUST be punished so the people who cry…
Amazing insight! You are wise beyond your years
so to summarize, 3 disconnects 2 days ago from a crash over the course of about 6 hours. 1 yesterday over the course of same time frame and 1 today second game of the day. All of these stacked. It didnt start over the following day. So if for some crazy reason it happens to again tomorrow it’s 24 hrs? This is moronic.
Again, clearly you didn’t read anything i said. Over the course of 3 days, I’m the game booted me 5 times. That is all. NEVER ONCE did i hit leave match. So because the game crashed several times through no fault of mine, i should continue to try and play when 99% of the games didn’t crash? That’s not logical. And again,…
Why would i continue to DC knowing the penalty is progressive? Especially as i stated, had time lined up with friends to have fun and play. That isn’t logical
Again, here you are in my post and others pretending you know more than the OP. You aren’t a detective and rather than attacking people with a legitimate complaint, maybe you should listen more. Anyone upset they got a penalty is somehow beneath you.........
This is so ridiculous. The fact that you have to do that is insanity. 3/5 matches the same map? Is anyone in here even listening? DC and all 5 are back in another game in less than 5 min. “There’s always the next game” of course this only applies to people who sit in a game and are relentlessly bullied, given the same map…
No it isn’t constantly, again as I’ve stated several times. THE GAME not my internet connection crashed. This was the first time today and 6 hour ban. It did 2 times yesterday and once the day before that. Other than those times, i have NEVER been dropped off a game before. Even if it was my internet so what! I should not…
That’s your only contribution to the discussion?
The whole mentality around this DC penalty is nauseating. You didn’t fix a thing! People just suicide on hook. There is ZERO difference! Instead you are effecting, clearly, a growing population of people losing connection through no fault of their own. And then i hear this idiocy of “you waste someone’s time by DC”. Good…
This is NOT my issue. Less than a year old Xbox one. This entire year it has run flawless. Several other people are having same issues on PC. It’s just another patch corruption bug just like all of them but this time i have to pay for it because they value making one group happy by punishing another. I’ve never seen…
I’m on Xbox but no. Only the last few days since most recent update. I’ve never had a random connection just drop before. My internet is outstanding. My network has run flawlessly up until this point.
Nothing was “FIXED” with the penalty! People just kill themselves on hook now. There is ZERO difference in that! You are MORE likely to be face camped by a Cannibal than you are to have random DCers in your party of survivors. It’s happened to me over and over again nearly every day i play at some point. You’ve decided to…
There is nothing “healthy” about the DC penalty. While I’ve only been playing this for about a year, i play on average 20 hours a week. Maybe a hand full of games a day of gaming for several hours did i experience DCers and if so, boo boo. Onto the next game in a few minutes. But i get the people who cry the loudest get…
At the very least, go through any one of these forum groups. I’m certainly not the only one reporting this happening. Don’t you think it’s time to seriously consider turning it off during a big event like this? While my entire day was completely ruined by this I’ll thoughten “fix”, I’m not the only one experiencing it.
i couldn’t disagree more. Only a handful of games would people experience DC penalty and for those not extremely competitive, what does it even matter? Oh well, I’m back in another game in just a few minutes. Also, this has happened to me only the last 2-3 days. Only after updates from your platform. I have an outstanding…
This is a solid idea!
Got it! Watched a bunch of streams yesterday but no context. Makes sense. Thank you