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  • I sometimes do it if I'm trying to get the most bloodpoints out of it, or like others have said, if some people are being toxic, like t-bagging, flashlight clicking, and such. Otherwise I usually just kill the 3rd guy, look for the hatch, and if I don't get to it first, oh well. Unless I find the last 2 people together, I…
  • Just because the survivors got one generator done early, it doesn't mean anything too bad. They still have to play well through the rest of the match. Just make sure to patrol gens as soon as you spawn and use perks like corrupt to your advantage. If they do finish a gen early, make sure you're either close to that gen, or…
  • I don't really see the problem with them. If I see a survivor using a key, I will go after them instead of maybe another survivor because getting rid of the key is more important than letting more gens get done while a survivor is running around with a key. It's mainly the fact ebony mori's don't really have much of a…
  • I personally really enjoy the Blight. Like others have said, he has great map pressure, his ability is fun to bounce around with, his add-ons are really good too. I'm sure he will get a few changes sometime soon, but I say that he's a great killer.
  • We all suck and I agree. It just happens to be that sometimes we get into games with people with higher skill levels than us. As a console player I absolutely understand why some PC players beat me, which is usually because they have played longer, but I've gotten into games where PC players are garbage, and Console…
  • I would enjoy if the devs did look into this. If the add-on is actually this busted, I'm sure a range nerf would be a good way to nerf it unless it's a timer lowering. I haven't played the Blight yet so I can't say too much on the subject.
  • I do think it would be pretty cool if the clown's map was more based around the circus, but the idea of him being a traveling Clown is unique. I don't see that very often.
  • You are not alone. I've seen a few others posts on this and I have been experiencing this too. Either keep trying to adjust yourself and hook them, or one person said to drop them next to the hook and then try it.
  • I am an Xbox player, and in my experience, the frames seem okay sometimes in game but it's situational. I lag on the main menu whenever I select something, the bloodweb's frames drop whenever I buy or hover over something too. Usually I don't get lag until I start getting into a number of matches, because my framerate will…
  • Yeah, I've been seeing this too. I'm quite disappointed by this due to the fact I really liked the effect, but with the third person, the closest thing you see is mainly the orange light. Maybe they can get something on this soon. I wonder what causes this on survivors but not killers.
  • The Blight is a killer I absolutely love, but his power is really janky, and it seems way too easy to counter. I feel like he may require either: Some changes to assist him besides the add-ons because I feel like he is too reliant on them, or completely rework him, otherwise it's a really interesting killer. On the other…