Despite the numerous discussion on legion, why did you choose not to address legion's fatigue or purple addons, especially in a patch thats partially dedicated to them?
A horrifying sight to behold. I can only imagine my horror at seeing a 2 meter tall woman sprinting at me at full speed while projectile vomiting. Good thing she will now be stunned for four entire seconds, should give you a good amount of distance.
Sorry if this post seemed rude, but I do believe my criticism seems warranted. I just wanted to emphasize how little a supposed patch dedicated to legion actually helped them. The buffs were underwhelming at best, and its infuriating how devs did not take into account the cooldown or any other factors that help legion…
More viable? Nah. At best, with his best addons, he'd be a weaker base kit plague where broken survivors dont need to cleanse and plague has a 3.4 second fatigue to lose sight of everyone. No tomato juice either, mind you.
I know, man. Ive seen you in the forums all this time fighting the good cause. Its absolutely stupid what they did this patch, but I really want to thank you for trying your best for us...
Oh yeah. This game is not getting a single cent from me until they show actual care towards the killer playerbase. Reach just came out, so I'll be taking a hefty break.
Even a fatigue decrease will sate people enough until the meta calls for a rework. My main issue is how much the devs seem to outright ignore legion.