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  • Good points honestly. The new changes will mean that, even if you get hit by a 59 second DS, at least that survivor did nothing during that time. And you're right about DS needing an eventual limitation.
  • Is it really tunneling if the Killer starts chasing you after they went out of their way to leave your hook, find another survivor, down them, and hook them? I understand you are pointing out the situation in which, a split second after the unhook, another survivor got hooked and the Killer comes straight for you. From the…
  • On one hand, I agree that tunneling is unhealthy for the game in general, and something should be done to prevent it. On the other hand, I fear that taking away the Killer's ability to focus down a survivor to gain the pressure needed to stop the final generators from popping would be detrimental as well. Perhaps they…
  • The first example I gave demonstrates how the perk can be successfully used without being tunneled, and the second example demonstrates how the perk fails when being strictly tunneled. I understand that, conceptually, it's meant to be anti-tunnel, but just because you got picked up 60 seconds after getting off the hook…
  • Hi, This happened on the PTB and it's now happening on live. I want to know if it's just me or what. Killers are now lunging WAY earlier than they should be and still getting hits. I have 1656 hours on this game and I play both survivor and killer. I know what distance a lunge is. But as of the new update, from the…
  • If anything, the new animations should make the hits look better. Although I don't really like the new running animation, the fact that survivors no longer lean so far forward means that their character is closer to the actual hitbox. Yet for some reason, the hits look worse than usual. I definitely think this is some kind…
  • Lol I know Freddy has a bit of a name for getting weird hits due to his small size and weapon yet regular lunge range, but I swear I've had this happen with Clown, Trapper, Wraith, all the 'normal' Killers. If I had to guess, I think something changed about the way the server handles the positions of Killers and Survivors.…
  • I will admit that Nurse is an exception to stealth. Because of her high-threat chase ability and terrible movement speed, it's natural to exploit her unique weaknesses. For pretty much every other killer (and some of these points even apply to Nurse) though, The problem with hiding is that it just doesn't work unless the…
  • Stealth has never been optimal in DBD. Way back with infinite loops, vacuum pallets, and OP toolboxes, you had no reason to hide, and in the current META of gen regression, you're doomed to be killed eventually if you aren't constantly distracting the Killer and pressuring generators. The only time you benefit from stealth…
  • I think there is a solid middle ground area between "You can't hook me for 60 seconds" and "While on the verge of DYING, I'm slightly better at hitting skill checks!" I personally enjoy the level of strength within perks like Quick and Quiet. It's on a short cooldown, but is a really helpful perk for chases or just getting…
  • The most unforgivable act of laziness in my opinion is the continued existence of Iridescent Head. When they made Deathslinger, they made sure his insta-down addon was near useless. Why doesn't that philosophy apply to Huntress? Literally any nerf would be welcome to the Iridescent Head. Most Huntresses I encounter refuse…
  • I do appreciate their recent work on buffing perks, such as the upcoming Fixated buff. I applaud the devs for working on it and hope we see more changes soon.
  • Speaking heavily from experience as a rank 1 Survivor, as well as using some basic thought experiments, Self-Care isn't just useful, it's an amazing perk which opens up a lot of opportunities. It's not the best perk in the game, but it's darn good. People who say Self-Care is useless haven't considered the following:…
  • I apologize if my message came across as hostile. I did not mean it that way. Honestly, balancing generator speeds are extremely hard because you have lots of types of players to account for. If you have a team that's dedicated to getting generators done efficiently, especially against a weak Killer with or without Ruin,…
  • I don't think making skillchecks harder to do changes anything, especially with these tiny effects which only occasionally come into play for a short amount of time. The main problem with generator speeds is that they're just too fast without Ruin. 80 seconds is a generator, okay? Now imagine this. You spawn in as Killer.…
  • Speaking from experience, it seems like Dead Hard has some sort of short delay before activating. I don't know if this is intentional or not- but I have gotten downed after getting Exhausted multiple times, usually when I'm going for a last second Dead Hard. This makes me think that Dead Hard Exhausts you the moment you…
  • Lucky Break is one of those perks. A perk good enough for someone to think, "Hey, this could help me, let's put it on!" but not good enough for someone to replace other perks with it. With that said, I agree the timer should be removed. Like you said, Breakout is pretty much fine the way it is. It's situational, but I have…
  • Speaking from experience- Hex: Ruin is already a very powerful and valuable perk. It definitely makes my Survivor games harder and 100% makes my Killer games easier. Yes, sometimes you get unlucky and get a bad totem spawn, but that's the inherent risk of running such a powerful perk. Don't forget you can also get very…
  • I believe what you're describing is a trick Survivors use to activate their Sprint Burst when they need it. To do this, you have to let your Exhaustion recover almost all the way, leaving just a split second of Exhaustion left, then start running. You won't recover Exhaustion while you're running, so when you need to…
  • Oh, so like the Killer needs to get 4 hooks before his Mori activates, then he can Mori anybody who has been hooked at least once? I think it's a decent idea. It wouldn't change anything for Killers who hook all Survivors before starting to Mori, but it would stop the Killer from getting easy early-game momentum with fast…
  • You're right that Moris really wouldn't do much if Survivors were on their death hook anyways, and you're correct that Moris can often take longer than actually just picking up and hooking a Survivor. One thing I mentioned in my post is that Moris would still help in certain situations, those being stopping Survivors from…