Nurse still unable to blink through cars in front of Gas Heaven main building
There are 2 cars in front of the main building on Gas Heaven that Nurse cannot blink through no matter the angle and no matter how long you hold the blink for. This has been an issue ever since the mid-chapter update.
Rubber-banding after vaulting windows and pallets as survivor
I'm playing on PC, Steam. This doesn't happen every vault but it happens very frequently, you basically get stuck in place for 0.5-1 second after vaulting a window or a pallet as survivor. Neither perks, FPS, ping or the type of vault (slow, medium or fast vault) seem to matter, the issue was there no matter what I tried…
Ahahah, nice1 devs.
New HUD and new survivor movement went through meaning they don't care about any type of feedback, time to finally uninstall this game.
Decisive Strike stun duration (~2 second stuns).
Patch 4.2.0, when stunned with Decisive Strike, Huntress, Spirit, Pig and probably some other killers (haven't tested the bug on all of them) get stunned for ~2 seconds instead of 5. This bug did not occur while I was playing Hillbilly.
Wow, what a great "Bug fix patch", well done.
Nerfed Billy's ability for the 100th time this month and then "fixed a bug" that caused Billy to keep some amount of charge after getting stunned but only after 4 years of it being in the game. It looks like only the bugs that positively affect the killer get fixed, all of the bugs that heavily and negatively affect…
Revert Billy's Engravings or change them.
Shadow-nerfing Engravings and then saying that they stayed the same in the patch notes, really cool. Revert the Death Engraving back to 15% and Doom Engraving back to 20% or change the patch notes so it says that these two add-ons got nerfed. Why do you have to shadow-nerf Billy's add-ons on top of nerfing his base kit?…
How did this make it into the live servers? How and why?
So the Billy rework is the worst rework we will ever see, not only that, but none of the major Billy bugs were fixed with this update so all of the bugs stayed AND he got nerfed on top of that, cool, no need to address any of the issues, let's nerf the killer instead, thanks a lot. Not a single person in the world asked…
Billy's engravings nerf.
Are the engravings still at 3% and 7% like in the PTB or have the devs reverted the numbers back to 15% and 20%? If it's the former, then why are the devs lying in the patch notes by saying that these add-ons stayed the same when they were clearly nerfed to the ground?
Billy got nerfed but all of his bugs stayed...
Really good job with the newest patch, not only he got nerfed, none of his bugs were fixed. Wow. Might as well uninstall the game since fixing bugs that have been in the game for 4 years is less important than nerfing killers left and right for no reason.
Regarding the patch 4.1.0 Billy changes.....
Why did you have to nerf the base kit if only his add-ons were the problem? Why couldn't you just nerf his charge add-ons which combined together make Billy insanely strong? What did his base kit and revving the saw for longer than 3 seconds have to do with anything? Who thought it was a good idea to add this dumb…
Matchmaking and ranks in general... It isn't funny anymore.
At first, it was funny to be randomly matched with/against people 15-16 ranks below/above your rank but after seeing this every 2-3 if not every game, this seriously isn't funny anymore. And the most interesting part is that despite the matchmaking system not giving a single sh*t about what rank people are and throwing…
When will the dedicated servers be fixed?
Having so much fun at the moment both as a survivor and killer, these window and pallet hits are so on point, the hitboxes are working great, the game works perfect. Lunge, killer movement speed, survivor movement speed, fast vault, slow vault, medium vault, doesn't even matter, the game doesn't care that the survivor is 3…
What's up with the queue times for survivors?
I mean, if anyone enjoys waiting for 11+ minutes to join a bugged lobby or to have their game cancelled because someone crashed during the loading, then sure, go ahead, but I'm not having it, it's just a lobby waiting time simulator at this point. As killer I get instant lobbies on rank 4-1 all day everyday, no matter what…
Are current exclusives owners going to receive any bonuses?
Like seriously, who thought it would be a good idea to give away all the exclusives for free? Are current exclusive owners going to receive any bonuses? A special variation of the owned exclusive skins maybe? Because if you get nothing for grinding or spending money (talking about Pax and also buying the exclusives) and…
Dedicated servers are still absolutely horrible.
Teleporting as killer, nearly all actions are delayed by at least 1-2 seconds. Getting hit through every pallet and vault as the survivor. 40-60 ping in every lobby. Nice.
When will we have glowing cosmetics for survivors?
I want legacy, since I can't get legacy, I would like an alternative to these skins. I don't care about the color, I don't care about the texture or the character, as long as it covers the majority of the body and is mainly placed on the back (you know, the part you're looking at 99.9% of the time when you're playing…
What is classed as harassment and can you be falsely banned for it?
This is quite an odd topic. Yesterday I've played against 1 big dbd streamer, just once, wasn't looking at their stream, wasn't being annoying and wasn't being harmful towards them in any way, basically, played a regular survivor game. Later I went to rewatch their stream and apparently, they are reporting me and 2 other…