Matchmaking needs fixed before anything else in DBD...
"Survivors are matched to a Killer as close to their rank as possible. If the Survivor is playing with a group, the highest ranked Survivor’s rank will be used for matchmaking purposes. (e.g. If a rank 1 and rank 10 Survivor are playing together, the game will search for a rank 1 Killer.) If a match of the same rank is not…
Bugs and Shadow Nerfs compilation thread
just trying to get everything in 1 place Bug Decisive Strike can't be used while in T3 madness on Doc Undocumented Nerfs Freddy has a "wind up time" on his snares and dream pallets now Hag attack delay after teleporting
Im taking the DEV and CMs advice and playing new games while this settles down
It doesnt matter, but ive decided instead of just being angry about BHVR and DbD in general as a killer only main, that i would take the CMs advice and just go play another game on league now instead of here, and Ill just keep an eye out to see what happens after all the dust settles see you guys in the fog in after a…
Lot of banning going on with forum accounts lately
anyone else notice a lot more people with BANNED icons popping up. Silencing folks in a time like this seems to be the incorrect way to handle dissatisfied customers
Monto vs BHVR .. also matchmaking (video)
TL;DW .. matchmaking put a bunch of rank 19 and 20 BHVR employees vs a popular rank 1 content creator from Twitch/YouTUBE known as Monto (hey listen!.. ) that guy.. They bring a bunch of anti doc perks, and get roasted.. it was absolutely tragic... and goes to show, that these people are going to kill this game.. like they…
Maps and killer speed is the underlying issue to balance troubles
The maps are far too large to balance the killer/survivor dynamic to go from one side of the map, to the other for a standard killer takes as long as gen does to double team, while tapping, with ruin up... Have the devs ever addressed movement speed concerns with this game that could potentially make these huge maps..…