PC- No Oni power
I played Oni with Chipped Saihai and Child's Wooden Sword add-ons, but I couldn't use my powers. It showed me I could Demon Dash the entire time, but I couldn't do it at any point nor could I collect blood orbs.
PS4 disconnects on death
My friend disconnects pretty much every game on death. When he dies it says he disconnected and he doesnt get points. He now got timed out for 30 minutes, cause of this. He's tried uninstalling and installing again, but nothing works.
Vomit Phobia?
Am I the only person that has a hard time with Plague? I love her design and backstory, but playing against her actually makes me puke. I wish they would make a replacement, at the very least of the sound. So you could decide to hear a different sound instead of puking. Right now I have to turn off all sound ingame so I'm…