Myers add on bug
So I just played a match of Myers, I went into the match with both of his memorial add ons and even a black ward. I had the green one literally equipped and I even had two of them available. Yet when I loaded into the match I didn’t have my green add on despite it literally being equipped and then due to my stalk being…
Influx of cheaters?
My last few games have been flooded with cheaters both subtle and not. I’ve had people using deliverance multiple times despite not having the perk. I’ve had people subtly moving a few percentages faster and then running hope as a poor attempt to disguise it, even though it was obvious both in game and whilst double…
Batteries Included Change?
So since playing the game I’ve occasionally scrolled through the forums but never really had the need to make an account, since the questions I had were usually either not important or already being asked by others. I’m not seeing much discussion around this topic so I’d like to ask, when is the supposed revert to…