Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • Notice how whenever a killer perk has too high of a pick rate it MUST mean that the perk needs a nerf and gets a nerf accordingly, yet whenever a survivor perk has a massive pick rate the same logic never applies?
  • Going to be interested to see what they do with Demo!
  • Yep. Can’t even test out any of the new changes because if it. I play on console and so turning off cross play is a solution but not a very good one seeing as the que times are far worse, I’m talking a minimum 10-15 minutes before finding a match. At that point I’ll just go play something else.
  • Yeah top level win streak as in what? Blight and/or hardcore tunneling from the get-go? Yeah that’s a great argument there bud. And besides I was saying the “top level” as in comp dbd. I said we should look at top level as in comp. Pubs where they get those win streaks are not top level. There is a difference between high…
  • I actually agree with what you said here. I’d be perfectly fine if the things that are not fun as survivor such as tunneling are no longer an option as long as they make it so that those things are not at all needed. I think the secondary objective idea could be one of the good solutions to the problems. The only issue I…
  • I’d like to also mention another factor which leads to an inflated killrate that I haven’t mentioned, and that’s the whole issue of tunneling. Survivors obviously hate being tunneled out, and I’ll admit it isn’t fun at all to be tunneled out. Yet time and time again you look at popular steamers that have thousands of hours…
  • I’ve literally just tried to explain why kill rates are not a valid indicator of game balance, guess you’ve chosen to ignore my argument on that as well? I’m not going to sit and repeat myself all day and it’s really not at all a difficult concept to grasp as to why killrate does not equate to game balance. It doesn’t…
  • Yes exactly. On ALL levels of play. That means low levels as well where the survivors are still running around afraid of the killer afraid to do gens lol. High level is included but it’s not specifically high levels, meaning the killrate is inflated by players who play at a casual level. I just gave you proof by giving an…
  • Are we really using the killrate argument again? If we want to look at how balanced the game actually is I’d say we should look at the top level of play no? You know where both sides actually know how to play? Well it doesn’t get much higher than comp dbd. In comp the survivors are heavily restricted, and they also usually…
  • You say that like there hasn’t been an abundance of threads like this. I’ve seen at least 10+ threads over the past few weeks about this subject. And for reference, I’ve played this game for around five years now. Sometimes I check into the stream of the players in the match if I see Twitch in the name. I seen someone…
  • Oh, another one of these threads? Too bad nothing is going to be done about it
  • I don’t think he could beat Chucky at all. People often see Chucky’s size and say “oh I’d just punt Chucky”, or something along those lines. People often discard the fact that despite his doll size he retains the strength and speed of a grown man, in fact some of his feats put him at around peak human level. Chucky easily…
  • You’re correct, there’s no reason to be toxic to people and that’s why I never mentioned that part. Unfortunately toxic players will always exist on both sides but my argument was more so addressing the balancing issues.
  • And that’s where part of the problem lies as well, the massive gap that exists between solo que and swf. They refuse to address swf, I believe it was brought up recently in one of their streams. So what is the killer more likely to do here? They can either assume it’s a solo queue squad and play fair and get absolutely…
  • Gotta love the abundance of these threads popping up recently and you just get people dismissing it as an issue by saying there isn’t as many as you think, or doubting you’re actually getting them at all. I guess every single thread made about it are just a bunch of liars lol…
  • I’d say that’s partly due to the mmr changes and the fact that it’s the only strategies killers have left vs a strong team. A team that just sits on gens and is also at least decent at looping will not give you nearly enough time for a 12 hook game. Tunneling, camping, occasional slugging, three gens, these are all things…
  • It won’t get you any value against a good team most of the time. The better survivors will usually try and keep track of the perks you’re using and will be keeping note if you seemingly have a fourth perk you’ve yet to use all game. A good team will be even more suspicious that you have the perk if you’re running other…
  • I’d say it’s a 10 for me. After he got reworked he shouldn’t have ever been touched imo. They hit him with some unnecessary nerfs and it really sticks out especially in the current meta. I mean look at the licensed killers we have now. Look at Xenomorph, Wesker, and Chucky for example. At the very least Freddy needs to get…
  • Thanks for posting this video, I think more people need to see it. It really puts into perspective just how bad the cheating problem actually is in this game.
  • Forgot to quote sorry. Well I can’t speak for others but I hardly ever make an accusation without getting all of the possibilities, only when the evidence is overwhelming will I reach that conclusion. It sounds like like you’re being a bit of an apologist here. You’re right it’s not a dbd only problem, but it’s so much…
  • Nope they won’t do anything about it, at best you’ll get less of them for a while but the problem always comes back in full force and never really goes away in the first place. This is the first game I’ve played where you can find people all over the internet on platforms such as tiktok literally advertising the cheating…
  • Subtle cheaters flood high mmr, nothing will ever really be done about it especially when they give free days knowing that they have a horrific cheater epidemic
  • I think you misunderstood what I meant. The tutorial we have now is good enough. Everything else should come with actually playing the game. Survivor really isn’t that difficult of a concept to grasp. The game teaches you to understand that concept well enough. So what more do you want them to do, if you had to give some…
  • Personally I don’t even use corrupt because I get the first down quickly in 90% of my games making it almost a waste. Sure it won’t be a complete waste but the effect it had was minimal in those scenarios.
  • I disagree. There’s already a bit of a lack of skill expression from survivors. They shouldn’t have everything spoon fed to them.
  • Yeah that sounds fun with ultimate weapon lmao, 4 reveals with every use. Throw dms on top and you boot them all off any gens they were on. Seems balanced lol
  • Yeah you’re essentially correct. Any killer that can put up a fight against the higher level of player is almost immediately considered “unfun” to most survivors. They want to be able to hold w and pre-drop god/strong pallets for an easy W. Hell this even applies to lower tier killers when you play them well. A survivor…
  • They’re a bit of a double edged sword tbh, and even then only a handful of them are viable. Most aren’t worth running and the ones that are can be easily countered.
  • Depends on many factors. It mostly depends on how good the killer is, and even then if it’s a semi-decent 4 man you certainly won’t be the power role in that situation. It all depends on a lot of factors. I win most of my matches until I actually get a decent 4 man, which then quickly reminds me that killer is FAR from the…
  • Yes they’re a failed concept. They’re mostly placed in such a way that the killer needs to break them if they want to catch the survivor at the loop with the breakable. They’re basically pallets that are already dropped if you think about it except they’re placed on walls.
  • As already mentioned, these perks give you an actual shot at winning when going against a strong team while still being able to go for some chases. I even throw Deadlock in there. Even with this build and consistent 30-45 second chases all it takes is for a coordinated team to continuously split up on gens and even though…
  • No they didn’t. They said they were going to but it’s the same nerfed version currently. So yeah they have said they were reverting that change but it hasn’t happened.