PC- Decisive Strike with The Mastermind (Wesker).
Happens when you have decisive strike active, and the mastermind successfully uses his bound attack on you. Once you successfully complete the skill check for Decisive Strike, instead of stunning the killer you stay in their grasp, unable to wiggle. This is on PC.
Stuck on post-game lobby menu.
Hi, I have this reoccurring bug where the regular PC buttom promtps exist but below the X-box controller prompts (the reason you can't see it in the picture is because I clicked the PC button's "continue" and all the PC prompts disappeared. this is the second time this bug has happened to me. I played as Lisa Garland first…
Boon Totem Ideas
Boons should ONLY work on the floor they're placed on. This just makes them actually fair to go against on indoor maps, when the killer has to go out of their way for 30 seconds when they hear a boon on top of them. Make it so survivors also have to go out of their way to heal.
Which chapter was your favorite at release?
Better question, which chapter was actually playable upon release?
Alert not prompting
On PC (probably all platforms too), the perk alert doesn't prompt when nemesis breaks the pallets and doors with his tentacle. Every other killer that can break pallets alerts you. Nothing happens everytime he breaks something.
Nemesis countering Alert
When nemesis uses whip to break a pallet, allert doesn't go off. Is this supposed to be a thing? I noticed this day one of nemesis' release. I guessed it was a bug but it was never adressed.