Prayer beads might not be scary anymore?
I know the spirit needed tweaking but the gen snatching was one of the last things I actually jumped at in this game. With the map wide sounds I'm just going to know to let go when they happen. I would have preferred a significantly reduced distance for the sound so if you are quick you can let go but she can still get the…
DCing in KYF?
Can you get banned for this? We do it all the time but haven't actually considered till now 😂
Dedicated servers
What do these actually change? If the killer is no longer hosting a lobby does this mean survivors can load in without a killer?
2 new survivors?
Love the fact that stranger things is the next chapter but I'm wondering if the Nancy and Steve will have separate perks or if this will be like e legion. Seems a bit unfair if survivors get 6 new perks and killers only get 3.
Any advanced tips for console nurse?
Does anyone have any good tips that can really help a nurse on console? Trying to help my friend but being a survivor main not the best for advice 😂
Best way to deal with new Freddy solo?
PS4 player so I have not faced the new Freddy yet. What is the best way to deal with him now? Those pallets look like a pain.
What's up with matchmaking?
Had a lot of games with rank 11-15 killers when I am rank 3. Playing solo as well so it shouldn't match up like that. Even had a killer accuse me of bullying the lower ranks when I don't even know I'm against them 😂 Is this a bug or is it supposed to happen?
Freddy good now?
Like the look of the rework, he can actually apply pressure instead of just slowing things down a little bit. I do think he should be able to warp to finished gens so he isn't becoming weak towards the end. I don't understand the passive sleep timer either. If you miss a skill check does it reset the timer? Or can you…
The problem with ghostface.
He forces people to use basic tricks you should learn on your way to rank 15 but no one seems to be able to do. Why can no one duck behind cover and look behind them whilst in chase. You know when he is stalking because he has no red stain. They need to include this stuff in tutorials as ghostface is steamrolling people…
Ghostface teabagging OP plz nerf
I am so confused when I drop a pallet and he teabags me 😶
Useless builds
What are the worst builds people can think of? Been trying to spice up life and had more fun than we have in a long time. Example is we run no mither, self care and all brought medkits.
No Mither
Is this good to run in a hook destroying flip flop build or should you just use unbreakable? Trying to find a use for it other than when I want hard mode?
Any positivity?
Has anyone had any happy moments with this game? It can be so negative but we keep playing 😂
The Entity getting involved in trials?
So with endgame collapse the Entity is getting more involved with the trials. Does this mean it is impatient and just wants some dinner or it is helping the killer?
Commendations and up voting in game.
I have gone up against so many killers that are actually insane players and was wondering what are peoples thoughts on adding the option to commend good survivors and killers? Getting so many would give you auric cells or something along them lines. Not for SFW though as that would be majorly abused 😂 It would be nice to…
Option to end the game.
During the EGC survivors could do with the option to just end the game. If the doors spawn close to each other then your chances of escape are pretty slim and I would just prefer to trigger the end so I can move on to the next game. This would also help being slugged for 4 minutes, killer gets to see the animation and…
EGC and how to survive it.
If you are unlucky enough to be the last person and the killer is camping the hatch, are you more likely to do gens now or attempt to YOLO it. Honestly I think doing gens is going to be the smarter thing to do. The killer can easily catch you out with hatch (I think that is a good thing). End game is more exciting now.
Remove SWF for a week.
I would like to see this happen just to see what effect it has on the game and wait times.
Hatch and key in endgame
Can you open the hatch after a killer has closed it with a key? No access to PTB and was just curious?
Best nurse in DBD
Who would you say is the best nurse (that uploads footage) in DBD and can you link me to them? Want to see how people destroy with her 😂
Make KYF lobby's open.
I would love to have the ability to have public lobby's in KYF, maybe with certain options to search for when looking for a lobby like just for fun, serious etc. Saves making a new mode and you can avoid all the rank stuff.
Bit early maybe but if anyone by chance gets saved with borrowed time and gets hit when M.O.M is active can you see if it uses it up or borrowed time takes priority? Incredibly situational but I just wanted to know.
Matchmaking is a bit wonky.....
Not sure how it works for others but I am getting all kinds through rank 1 to 20 and it is pretty unfair when good survivors get matched with a rank 20 killer and destroy them. Then you get rank 20 survivors getting matched with other rank 1 survivors and a rank 1 killer which leads to them most likely getting owned if…