Its been gone for months now, not even listed in the known issues from ptb anymore, and it was supposed to be fixed in the hotfix next to the Unknown release. Not being able to see the killer speed/radius, bio and perks of a characters you just bought is abysmal (unless you go and search for them in the shop)...
Please, add client achivements to the game itself
All the modern games with iconic achivements (and dbd has plenty, like the adept ones) have added them to the game, to collect a small reward (like Bps for old tomes) and make people care about challenges even if they are not completitionists. Hell, some achivements even have the purpose of explaining game mechanics, like…
This patch will make even more killers leave the game and change role
You want feedback, pretending killers do not exist in the game? There you are: The DH change accomplishes nothing, encouraging tunneling even more: as many people pointed out, you now conveniently HAVE to hit and follow the unhooked person to deny their acquired perk. The new altruistic healing will make SWF teams even…