Should perks have 3 levels or just 1?
No, In my opinion, perks should only have 1 level, but still keep the same stats as a level 3 perk. Perks should only have to be bought once, with their being almost 90 perks in the game each with 3 levels adds up to 270 times you have to buy a perk in a blood web, and if you recall you only get 2 perks per blood web at…
Is this bannable?
Is changing the name of these files bannable? Or swapping the names like putting Nea_outfit_014 and swapping it with Nea_outfit_012 is it bannable, will it do nothing, does it change the color of the picture but not the actual cosmetic when I wear it?
Nea Cosmetic Bug
So apparently the bug where you can wear the hoodie from neon swirl set with other head cosmetics not part of the set is back in the game and I really want to know how to do it before it is removed. Please reply if you know how to do it :)