Accommodations for disabled players?
I love this game and would very much like my husband to play with me, as we play together in several other games (Diablo, WoW, etc.); however, he has a disability called Ataxia from having a Stroke some years ago that continues to persist. Essentially, the time between his brain sending the message to his hand to move and…
Dwight's new outfit...
Can someone please tell me why whomever created Dwight's newest outfit has his baseball cap on under his bicycle helmet? Was that just an oversight or was it on purpose? Just curious because it's bugging the crap out of me and preventing me from purchasing his new clothes. Is he a daring fashionista or did something forget…
PTB 2.5.0 and future communication options?
I've thought about this and want to put before you all a proposal to allow some kind of minimal canned in-game communication phrases that can be assigned to the number keys. Things like what you'd hear in Left for Dead... 'Gen over here/there' (preceded or followed by a wave), 'Loot here' (if you don't want it), 'Killer in…