Server/Killer Crashes when Placing Demo Portal in Specific Location
Happens on Ormond map near main building. Perks, add-ons, and location can be seen in attached video. Platform: Xbox Series X Video: https://youtu.be/Rl7FLJ3Db_E (Apologies for video being short.)
I think it's time.
Guys, it's time to nerf Bubba. I don't normally advocate for killer nerfs, but it's crazy that he can put in no effort at all and guarantee a kill or two by facecamping. What do you guys think? Have any of you been experiencing more camping Bubbas lately? Edit: Alrighty, thanks for the chat guys. It looks like a lot of…
Hatch Priority?
Hi guys, quick question. Does killer still have priority over survivor when closing the hatch? I had a Billy game where a survivor canceled out the closing animation. Maybe you sleuths could help me figure out if I was standing in the wrong spot or something 😋
'Deadly Deceit' Tome Challenge not Working
Platform: Xbox
99% Gates during Endgame
Hello people of the fog! Lately when playing survivor, I have been conflicted as to whether or not I should 99% the exit gates. I mainly play solo survivor so I cannot let the others know I am doing it, which could potentially hurt players being chased by the killer (since they don't know they have a way out). Any advice…