DBDs current state
Dbd doesn’t have the same vibe or feel it used to and I hate it.. DISCLAIMER - THIS IS MY OPINON when I remember back when I played dbd very heavily a year or 2 ago I had such good memories of the game and it felt like it was in such a good state. movement felt better, the maps felt more equal to both sides of gameplay,…
Why are they so finicky now, it’s like with every update there made to be worse and worse? I used to hit nearly every flashlight save and now I can’t hit at all.. what’s up with this?
My take on character sexualities
I’ve seen some arguments on Twitter lately so i was just wondering what the take on it was here.. personally I feel like there the characters shouldn’t have set in stone sexualities (lore clearly stating this is who they are and how they identify) I feel like it should be left up to the player to decide.. that way there’s…
Janes goddess cosmetic
really? Devs gonna make this sets shirt n hair literally perfect for additional customization items but block em off... if this was a piece and not part of a set it would go perfect with the light blue ripped jeans as a crop top and the hair could’ve been amazing in so many other unique outfits.. I’m really disappointed..…
Janes hitbox is wack asf
If you’ve literally ever played as Jane you know... so maybe let’s get her hitbox fixed cuz I know me and all the other Jane mains are sick of getting hit from 3 meters away and still having the hit register..