It seems a majority here are killer mains lol because nearly all of them have used the excuse that survivors can control a match simply by plugging in their mics (which isn’t true, especially with the recent cross play update), and I agree with you it’s kinda lame devs have taken away that dark creepy feel.. survivors may…
virtue Signaller? to MADE UP.. FICTIONAL.. CHARACTERS.. You sound ridiculous but go off 😂 anyways I’ve had enough of the comments, slander and overall hate from you goodbye 👋 🙄
Here you go again lmfaoo.. I never specifically labeled anyone as homophobic and I never called anyone toxic.. and yes ppl have called me names including you in the paragraph above multiple times lol.. I never took personal offense but I was attacked plenty of times and other ppl even stated this.. also you have attacked…
Literally XD like it very clear y’all just don’t wanna except it smh
The fact you keep coming back and saying the same old ######### bruh.. these characters ARENT REAL how else are you supposed to know if they are gay or not.. reading lore, looking at their style and how they act is the only way you can determine if this character may or may not be gay.. you clearly are against gay even being an…
Thank you spoken perfectly !! I appreciate it <3
Again let me remind you.. I used it once.. unsure why your overreacting like I said it to every person who disagreed with me.. and other people commented on the homophobia shown throughout this too.. I didn’t use it as a “shield” I don’t act like being gay makes me any less capable or puts me at a disadvantage in life..…
I’ve noticed this too while using sprint burst and ds it’s quite annoying
I agree the gaming community can be disgustingly toxic to lgbt at times.. but we need to learn to embrace our differences.. and I as well would LOVE to see new ethnicities brought in to the game.. Muslim, Native American, Pacific Islander, Hispanic and evening some more African Americans and more would be great new…
Clearly you didn’t read all the comment.. not only myself but other people as well have commented on the homophobia that people have commented on this post..
Yea this is pretty much the exact same thing that happened with the Jane skin that came out a few months ago.. the head being locked for no reason, the awful physics, the slit making it look weird and the skirt giving her akwardly bulky hips
Yea I agree with the people viewing sexuality as wanting sex type thing.. It bothers me that they’re that way but what are you gonna do.. and I agree with the Felix thing too.. LMAOOO CALEB IS DEF NOT STRAIGHT XD THATS FOR SURE..
Finally someone who understands where I’m coming from!!! <3 I completely agree with you ! and the fact that so many people attacked me because “it means nothing” and “we don’t need representation in this game” was soooo frustrating! Their clearly straight, probably homophobic and made that very clear.. they’ll never…
completely agree with these !! Nice to see someone’s else think that Felix could possibly be bi btw.. whenever it said he frequently partied, drank etc. to cope with his fathers disappearance that’s when I was like.. yuup he’s probably bi lmao..
I appreciate it thank u lol
That’s an amazing point !
exactly my point.. I stated that.. this was me just hoping to have fun engaging conversation.. most people just took it too far or got too easily offended to see that
the lore is all just “made up” too it serves no purpose but it’s there.. again I’ll ask you why sexuality is such a problem? It may not serve a purpose but why can’t it be included? like you love to say “your not providing evidence”
LMFAOO I LOVE THISSS!!! this is exactly what I made this thread for jokes and simple discussion XD I appreciate your Awnser and loved the Claudette and huntress story lol
Yea so what’s it matter, lore doesn’t mean anything but it’s here so what’s the problem with sexuality?
how many times are you gonna post on this thread? Every post is the same thing.. and every time I respond by saying the same thing to you WHATS IT MATTER HOW I GOT IT?! ITS SIMPLY ONE PERSON ON THE INTERNETS OPINON ABOUT A FRICKIN VIDEO GAME
But do what those perks say help you when your in chase with a killer? No.. Ooo what about when your dying on hook? No.. what the perks, items or whatever your point is have no benefit of you playing in a match.. so what’s your point?
I didn’t ask if we needed representation.. thanks tho lol
I can defenitly see feng possibly being bi and agree with a few others too thanks for sharing your opinion I appreciate it <3
The game has nothing to do with lore either but a majority of ppl love to state “tHaTs nOt iN tHe LoRe”
I literally made this thread for the purpose of it being a fun discussion for everyone to discuss what THEIR perspective of the topic was.. as a person who identifys as lgbt I would love to see more representation in media.. but because of people like you hating on and shooting down fun discussions and what not on…
Plenty of bisexual men marry females.. what’s your point?
It was simply opinon ✨
Liking a certain color is preference lol but someone’s personality and style definitely can show your sexuality.. example - MOST straight men don’t wear makeup or crop tops some maybe straight but a majority aren’t..
The problem here is, is how offended so many people are over a little representation..
Lore as in there actions, style and personality..
I posted my list because I wanted other people’s feed back and their opinions on what the characters sexualities might be as well
again I used lore.. and again it’s my opinion.. have u never had an opinion backed by other people’s opinion?
That’s literally what I said if u would’ve read the entire text.. THIS WAS ALL MY OPINON
Perfect example!!! Thank uuu <3
this was simply my take on the topic.. again everything stated here was simply MY opinon.. that was stated in the texted and multiple times to other ppl
Ppl have addressed this topic multiple times before BHVR addresses it simply look up “dbd character sexualities” in google and plenty of thing will come up
He didn’t have a wife he had girlfriend read the lore.. and if there’s lore about character background why can’t sexuality be apart of it?
This was my opinion.. based off lore I stated that.. thank u
This was simply my opinion on how I perceived the characters to be.. I stated this in the text.. sorry it doesn’t fit yours..
Felix had a girlfriend correction.. and a majority of the community agrees that Felix defenitly isn’t straight not to mention lore making a point to say he frequently drank and partied whos to say he hasn’t expiremented during that time too but anyways... meg, dewight, Kate, David and nea all have very popular gay ships or…
you make a good point with feng lol.. and when I first saw Felix I felt the exact same lol but in his lore he has a girlfriend so that’s why I think hes bi
This was simply to ask the community’s take on a current discussion even the devs have addressed.. sorry this makes you uncomfortable?
Literally! It’s such a shame it is.. prolly just a money grab tbh
Literally! it’s such a shame it is.. Prolly just a money grab tbh
So they say
Gurl we rlly payin money for this game so they kids can eat but they can’t even make the game run right smh 💀
Perd gurl end they careers 😌✨
this is happening to me and my friends too we’re red ranks getting paired with usually yellow survivors and brown rank killas
im red ranks only goin against brown rank killas before the update I was playin red ranks that were actually good... idk if it’s be cause I always play swf or what but I think es ain’t right