Solo Survivor All-Perk Challenge
Inspired by Otz's "all perks" streaks, I decided to create a fun, casual all-perk challenge for Survivor. The goal here was to create as many Survivor builds as possible while only using every perk once. Each build comes with an objective that is specific to it and that must be completed during the match. Take a look…
How to nerf Nurse?
I think everyone agrees that Nurse is the strongest Killer in the game and needs to a big nerf. But what would be the best way to do so without crippling her or completely changing her identity? Nerfing her add-ons is the most common suggestion, but one I never see mentioned is that I think her blink attacks should count…
A bleed out option should be introduced
There are many situations where the Killer will slug everyone and then simply let everyone die by bleeding out, which makes everyone lose their time over nothing. I feel like if you have the option to suicide on hook in order to give Hatch to a teammate, for example, you should be able to do the same when downed, by giving…
Should certain offerings be removed?
Like the mist or shroud offerings. They're pointless and just take up space in the bloodweb, making you spend more bloodpoints on stuff you're never gonna use.
Is Killer impossible to play nowadays?
I got back into the game a few weeks ago and I have noticed that I seem to escape on most of my Survivor games, and 80% of my Killer matches are sweat-fests with gens popping left and right and 4 Dead Hards. With Circle of Healing and all, seems like the game just keeps getting easier for the average Survivor. Is Killer…
Ideas for Perk Buffs
LIGHTWEIGHT Your Scratch Marks start to disappear 1/2/3 seconds sooner. BUFF: Make the scratch marks also look lighter, making recent ones look fainter. DÉJÀ VU The Auras of 3 Generators in closest proximity to one another are revealed to you for 30/45/60 seconds at the start of the Trial, and each time a Generator is…
Survivors' Character Designs - a Tier List
As of this day, there are 17 original survivors in the game. I'm a bit of a nut for lore and character design, so I thought I'd make a tier list of how good each character's design is (how well their look flows together, how good their color palette, how well their appearance reflects their lore, etc.). Licensed characters…