Ranking System
The Dead By Daylight emblem system of ranking has been really god awful for a very long time, and I've still managed to get wins, but hot damn am I absolutely pissed this time. After picking Plague and getting a VERY DECISIVE game, in which I dominated all the survivors, killing all four (iridescent devout) and protecting…
Please un-######### the ranking system
Ranking systems, by themselves, are designed to scale in difficulty. It's a simple equation; If you keep fighting better players, it's going to be harder to rank up. That's how ranking works. I have no issue with the emblem changes. They make things a little harder in some ways, a little easier in others, whatever. But…
Ranking System Issues
Fundamentally, the main issue with a ranking system that scales in difficulty- as you basically have now- is that's already what a ranking system is supposed to do. As you get higher in the ranks, you fight better and better players, the game gets tougher, until you stay around the same level, finally at the spot that…