End game fixed, you welcome.
Remove exit gate switch's red lights or make them less visible from a certain distance. Make gates spawn as far as possible from each other.
Spirit vaulting and phasing indicators?
I'm not sure if the devs got lazy or ran outta budget developing the spirit's animations but clearly when you play her you can see she has a vaulting animation just like any other killer by holding the ledge of the window with her hands and vaulting over. Now when it comes to the survivor's POV she just teleports to the…
Spirit should not have a collusion while phasing
It's ironic how some killers have no collusion at certain situations because it creates unfair gameplay such as Freddy (so he can't be body blocked by awake survivors that he can't hit) and Myers while stalking (so he can't trap survivors in a corner and stalk) etc, but then the Spirit aka the one with a ghost body still…
Fix your hitboxes
Potential fix for camping?
I think making struggle phase more rewarding while in the killer's terror radius should fix camping. As in if you're being camped and you get to the struggle phase you get enough point to black pip or if you had enough objective at some point it might be enough to pip. This will encourage survivors who are being camped to…
I demand to be able to see the killer's Steam name (account) in lobby.
The title says it all. They're allowed to see us and check our accounts and which items we're using and everything but we can't even tell who are we versing. I would rather dodge some players (A couple of hackers that I have reported NOTE: I even reported one of them with evidence and he's still playing and yes we have…
My steam review for DBD will stay negative until they have dedicated servers. Change my mind.
P2P in current year LUL
Exhaustion add-ons fair?
Since the latest nerf to exhaustion I really don't see how it's fair killers are still able to trigger your exhaustion without you being able to utilize your perk even once in a chase. It like deletes a whole perk for you permanently through out the whole chase.
Hacker located
I couldn't find where to post this to report this hacker but he was using a permanent bloodlust 3 hack. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94WwjxKuJVg&feature=youtu.be This is his profile