Teammates are total dogwater, I carry, match ends in me being the last alive or the only one dead after being tunneled all match. I have 3000 hours and I'm Devotion 5 level 50 there is 0 reason for me to get teammates like this.
Been loving this game recently
I went to reload as trickster and my game froze and all I can see is the locker.
I think you shouldnt be able to hit on top of the hay bales on the harvesters. They are the exact height of the killers so how are they able to hit?
Basically I had a killer from China that hit everyone through pallets and kept getting lags hits. Im NA btw.
Does anybody else get weird lag that they never did before? My fps drops to 0 for like 2 seconds randomly. It only started happening a few weeks ago and never did before.
Im so sick of this goddamn perk. Its for killers who are terrible at this game and need to rely on it. I had a match of a trapper who got destroyed but noed let him get a 2k. For those of you who say “well just do bones” do you know the how hard it is to find totems most of the time?
yummy Wait why is this in feedback how delete this
Yummy hitboxes 🤤
Im not getting the 200k bloodpoints? I restarted my game to see if that would work but it didnt. Also when I try to redeem cheryl’s christmas sweater code its says “This code is not valid. Please double check that you have entered it correctly and try again”
Every time I load into a dbd match a minute or so later it disconnects and brings me to the leaderboard saying “Connection with host could not me established” It basically makes the game unplayable for me. This has happened 3 times in a row. I play on xbox.
Can you entitled cry baby killer mains stop crying to death about moris? Moris were op and needed a nerf. Stop crying and saying the dev are survivor sided because of a needed nerf. “We can nerf survivors and everything op they have” but as soon as survivors want mori balance changes the killer mains that droll on this…