How to lower mmr?
Im stuck in the wrong mmr so i was wondering the fastest way to lower my mmr? I have played 10 matches today and all games have been a 4 man escape, but the games are taking so long because the survivors are making fun of me xD
SWF nerf?
Since you guys are nerfing one of the best killers, wouldnt it only be fair if you nerf swf? Since the new mmr system i encounter swf teams a lot more often and to be honest i get destroyed almost every time.
Did they actually just buff swf?!
I may have misunderstood but it sounds like a swf team can have 3/4 boon totem perks active in the trial? I know it's only 1 boon totem which become active but it counts as all their boon perks Please tell me im wrong xD
So are they nerfing keys now?
I don't know where to find the dev notes, so i might aswell ask in here. Are they removing or nerfing keys in the next patch? Or are they still butchering killers.
Please nerf keys...
This is getting stupid.. Devs really don't care about this broken thing in this game?
Does survivors not know how to unhook?
6 hookgrabs in 2 games.... How is that even possible? Im a decent survivor so my survivors should not be potatoes but they are. Please learn when to unhook! Thanks! :)
Still no key nerf
Getting the crown
So how are you guys getting the crowns as solo survivor? I find it really difficult in red ranks, so im kinda considering to derank unless you guys have some good tips?
Survivors please keep track on gens!
Im getting tired of getting 3 gen every single game because of survivors not keeping track on where the last gens are. So im beggin you to stay on top of it. That is all. Goodbye <3
Is farming bannable?
Just got into a game where the killer just wanted to farm and my teammates agreed, but i just wanted to play the game. So my teammates started farming and i worked the gens, at the last gen the killer started tunneling me and my teammates unhooked me right in front of the killer, so the killer could get me out of the game…
Is this high mmr?
Tunneling and camping? Is this how red rank killers play?
Key nerf when?
So i know there is a lot of topics on this subject but i feel we need to make the devs aware of this huge advantage the survivors have. I agree the mori were a very strong offering but so is the keys.. But not only are they keys just as strong as the old mori, they can even be found in chest when the match has already…
Please stop genrushing
Also killers: camps every single hook.
New MMR? When?
Im purple ranks right now on survivor and the last 15 matches has been against red rank killers.. Im trying to do the adept challenges but kinda hard when im not going against killers on my level. So when can we expect the new mmr? :-)
If this is the new MMR then...
I don't want it! xD I hear people are talking about the new mmr is active and my thoughts are that it's awfull. Im rank 10-13 (i started out as rank 9, but i have lost all my games) and all day i have been meeting rank 1-5!? Not once have i met someone below my rank (14-20)? What's up with that?
Six Feet Under
Hey guys! Im trying to do the challenge "Six Feet Under" in a old tome but i can't seem to complete it? I had 2 games with Trapper where all 4 survivors died in the basement, did'nt work. i had 3 games with Bubba where all 4 survivors died in the basement, did'nt work. Does it actually work or am i doing something wrong?
How to SWF PC and Console?
Hey guys! Me and my sister want to try and play this game together but i have this game on PC and my sister has it on PS4. Are there any way we can communicate with eachother when playing like this? Sorry for my terrible english ^^
Need some help with Spirit perks
Hello everyone! I just bought the Spirit dlc yesterday and i was wondering how to improve my perks. Right now im using (BBQ, M&A, Sloppy Butcher and Thanatophobia) I was thinking of getting Stridor instead of Thanatophobia but im not sure. What do you guys think? :-)