Where do I report sweaty killers?
Red ranks
Does someone already at 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 iri? Idk why, but I find myself so hard to get 5 pips at red ranks, every game someone DC or there's camper... Last two months it was painful but not like that P.S I spent entire day and end up at 0 pips... I really DON'T UNDERSTAND why if you got camped or some of your teammates DC -…
Élodie Rakoto is the real killer
Crash (Halloween event)
Platform: PC (laptop) Character played: Dwight Perks played: Windows Of Opportunity, Unbreakable, Prove Thyself, Adrenaline Map: Coldwind farm, hut in the middle Additional Info: It happened before math results appeared, maybe thats somehow related to the extra bloodpoints that are given during this event
I can't select new tome event challenge
Does anybody else has this problem?
map offering = camp
Even that Rebecca's perk do nothing against facecampers
Make Rebecca as tall as Feng
Feng is half a head shorter than Rebecca
How often you take rare items in SoloQ
How often you take something: yellow, green, purple, red, while playing soloQ? I have been seeing that almost no one use items above brown (my teammates), except those that can't be brown (flashlight, map, key) despite new grind system