I have a simple question: Can I get my friends from another continent to play with me and make a group of five for the community tournament, or will we get disqualified? The rules made it clear that we need to be five, 4 survivors and 1 killer. But I did not quite understand if it is only possible to be 5 people of the…
As shown in the screenshots shortly before ending the match, I noticed that while playing as The Plage, my fountains spawned around the borders and even on the edges of the map, with none on the actual insides. On the screenshots I'm placed exactly in one of the edges whith a fountain right by my side (from wich I took the…
Some friends always say that exhaustion can be recovered faster by crouching, but when i try it myself i dont feel y difference. So if someone could answer me this question I would apreciate it. <3