This would save so much time if you are just after the p6. It can just randomly select the route and make leveling so much faster.
I understand that this is a fake name she uses but she is in the entitys realm now, hiding your identity seems fairly pointless? Unless it's the shattered memories version of her? Small complaint but it's bugging me lol
Since this patch has dropped I've noticed that the frame rate will drop during struggle phase and it will stop registering me pressing the button. I am not doing anything different to what I normally do and it keeps happening.
It's pretty annoying when you run resilience or any perk that works whilst injured solo and other survivors will not leave you alone. Would you be able to add a sign to the healing bar or even the status indicators at the bottom left to let the other survivors know you are running this perk and that's why you have ignored…
When you enter a trial as either killer/survivor what needs to happen to make you feel like you enjoyed the match? Are you satisfied with a pip or double pip? Is it just about getting kills or a 4K? Escaping alone or as a group? For me as a killer it's getting at least 2 kills and making sure I terrorised the survivors and…
Does anybody know what the criteria is for the gen counting for you? Does it have to be the whole meter or can you join half way?