Ice Capped Pants
Is there a plan to change these at all? We can all see very clearly that these are the default Hillbilly pants being passed off as a rift reward. How did this even make it to the live game?
The Game needs a rebalance
I wish I was kidding because the map only JUST got reworked from the ground up, but here's a clip from a game I had earlier: https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/lirisc/the_game_maps_rework_has_some_absolutely_bananas/ Having gens with the ability to spawn that close together is insanely unbalanced on the…
Should the Twins be released in their current state?
Title. The PTB patch notes show that the devs have identified multiple issues with the Twins and are still opting to release them as they are. I really don't like the idea of something knowingly being released in an incomplete state, particularly since I have heard of other games/companies having legality issues over that…