What happens to your progress if you unlink your Behaviour account?
I have my Behaviour account connected to my Steam and Epic Games account a few months back, I've played like a days worth of games on my Epic account but other than that, all the progress prior to connecting and after connecting has been earned on my Steam DBD. In the FAQ where this is mentioned…
Lobby System overhaul/ rework (MUCH faster queue times)
Queue times due to player numbers aren't the issue. Lobbies only consist of about 5 people and DBD is one of the most played games on steam and is also crossplay. It has absolutely nothing to do with player numbers, the issue is how flawed the lobby system is and that there's way too many steps to go through in order to…
My big problem with Ormond's new graphics (not about the breakable walls)
For someone who's disliked the appearance of Ormond for a while, I was really excited to see the outdoor part of ormond after seeing the concept art of indoors. Unfortunately I still think it has the exact same issue as the first, its very strong light blue tint and the lack of horror elements. I'll bring the original…
What Licensed Solo Survivor does everyone here would think fit most into DBD
This also includes some characters that may not fit the genre of DBD though in my opinion could work. I have made this to give some insight to the developers that we love solo chapters and I think this can give a ton of variety by adding survivors from movies and series we love but at the same time giving the devs the…
Can we get Ash's Theme to play whenever we select him in the Lobby?
Just an example of what it would be like
Idea for Prestiege reward: New Aliases
Right now with new cosmetics coming in, I feel there isn't as much reward to prestieging your killer/survivor as they used to (there was very little insentive before). This isn't a huge change though I feel it is just something nice that some people would enjoy. Every time you prestige you can get a new option as a name…