Someone mentioned this cut content in a video and I'm really curious if anyone has info about this
What was the cut content for 'The Teacher' going to be? 'Detention,' the killer's power. 'Trapple,' a Survivor item. 'Underperform,' a perk but don't know if it was for the Survivor, Killer or a new general perk.
Is it FOMO or "we don't want to add prestige rewards because it makes no money"
I recently came across a video on twitter that showcased a tweet from the official DBD twitter that was responding to Twitch streamer/YouTube content creator 'The King's' tweet asking his followers "If you could ask the DBD Devs one serious question, what would it be?!" A user responded to his tweet with a series of…
Immortal Shield Charm no special animation/effect
This is a completely non-issue and I'm asking out of morbid curiosity. Will the 'Immortal Shield' Charm from Tome 14 get an animation of some kind or a simply fire effect coming from the dragon's mouth? I pretty much use this charm all the time and I love how it looks, but it's the only tome ultra rare charm to be…
Player Banners and Icons
I want to start off with positive feedback about this addition. I think this is great! More customization for us to express ourselves in the game is great, though I'd prefer if we were able to change our lobby themes to past chapter or event themes but I digress. I'm excited to see what icons and banners we will get!…
Pyramid Head Addon Pass?
While I'm glad Pyramid Head got some love with the buff he got during the most PTB, albeit that buff was too strong and I'm glad it will not be coming into live servers but I digress, will Pyramid Head receive some sort of addon pass? Statistically he has the worst set of addons in the game besides his 3 range addons, so…
Upcoming addon buff for Pyramid Head (The Executioner) is not enough
I am a Pyramid Head main. I've been playing him since his release and have never gotten bored of him. I love his range attack, I've gotten some very nutty shots with his shockwave that are nothing but satisfying when they land. I love my boy.... HOWEVER, his addons are a problem. Like what are his addons even? Everything,…
Scourge Hooks, better spawn placements?
In an ideal game, your Scourge Hooks are evenly distributed around the map making them accessible for you to use. Maybe not always accessible, sometimes the downed Survivor is just out of reach of one or another Survivor is currently on that hook. Regardless of those two instances, which is sometimes inevitable, you still…
BloodWeb Auto Redeem option
While I'm loving all the changes to the bloodweb, cheaper rewards, nothing is loss when prestiging now, everything is great! But.... going through the webs is annoying and very tedious. I spend about 30 minutes just rapidly clicking and holding down each reward just so I can spend my 2 mil bloodpoints I got from rank…
Friend could not wiggle out of Killer's grasp even though they were full
Me and a friend played against an Oni on one of the Swamp maps. My friend had breakdown and one of the hooks that was close to where he got downed was broken, and another hook a little further away was also broken when he got downed a second time. After he got downed a 3rd time the Oni dropped him cause there were no hooks…
Can't pick up survivor in this spot on Badham
I was playing a game of Pyramid Head on Badham, and I went to pickup a survivor I downed next to the 1st level window at the 2 level house. The window was against a hedge. When I tried to pickup the survivor, the prompt for picking them up did not appear and I couldn't pick them up. They eventually moved away from that…