Chucky Update
This Chucky Update makes him feel so clunky. The slice and dice isn't able to be used in chase like it was before. Can we get a somewhat decent curve rate to it? Or better yet, give us the scamper back to its original form, so that it's actually viable. At least The Pig didn't get nerfed.
Switch - blinking lights on yamaoka
On the residence of yamaoka I had little white blinking lights constantly from the moment loading in. I play using my television, not the switch screen. Definitely blinking lights that resemble the sparks off a gen, white in color and once on screen don't move until you rotate the camera away and try to look back. I saw…
Switch - Gen Regression block bug/exploit
On azarov, after I kicked a gen 3 times. While I was in chase on the other end of the map, survivor team mates missed multiple skill checks on the gen, after I got my hook I came back to kick it...one kick and it was blocked fully.
Lights out for Freddy
After playing it for a bit, I really think that portions of the lights out modifier should be used to replace the dream state for Freddy. The blackness is better, and if it eliminated HUD info at the same time players would actually try to get out of the Dreamworld rather than staying in it. Just my 2 cents . Been having…
Switch-Hex: Plaything bug
I've played several matches against different killers using plaything. I have had the perk work as advertised, I have had it not show me the aura at all of my Hex, and I have had it shown to me from anywhere on the map. It is inconsistent at best, but it does happen.
Locker spawns for Dredge -Lery's
I've enjoyed playing Dredge since his release and I know that lockers aren't always going to be in an ideal location, but c'mon man. Giving half of Lerys to the survivor and planting 7 lockers around 1 gen doesn't seem right. Can we tweek the locker spawn code a little and give my Frosty the Nightmare a Christmas gift? 🎁
Borgo locker block-Dredge
Whenever the basement spawns in Borgo, the Dredge can still teleport to the lockers in the upstairs portion which is essentially just like those in the main floor of a killer shack and should be blocked off as well in my opinion.
Pick up Animation
I think it would be better if it was more synced with the pick up bar. More in line with how survivors are able to start an unhook process and cancel it to avoid getting grabbed, this way a killer can start it and avoid getting a flashlight to the face if you see it coming without being able to stop the animation. Just my…