I know y'all like nerfing the pig..but this is a little too far.
Add myself to this list as well. Switch user hard capped at 2 million with iri1 both sides
I'm on switch, there's rubber banding, frame rate is at 15-30fps for the opposite side. As survivor all survivor models move ok, but killer is killer all the survivors are low fps. I played multiple matches, one even had the dedicated server become a potato. Barely playable on the killer side, and it's handing…
It's a bit big for most basic killers. Just crossing the map gives survivors enough time to do most of a gen. Hey...more lockers for dredge on this one too.
I think this map is pretty well balanced...but still needs more lockers for dredge.
Needs more lockers for dredge as does every map. It depends a lot on spawn locations of gens. The spawn of a gen against an outer wall should not happen...but then again the hatch can spawn there too on this map. Biggest issue with swamp is all the grass. Blocks scratch marks and basic line of sight for killers
Both the large and small pantry have more pallets than they should. Besides the tall grass blocking line of sight to survivors it also blocks scratch marks. I've lost scratch marks just in a normal chase. And of course More lockers needed for dredge.
The amount of ground to cover for most killers on this map is insane when you figure in the multiple levels in the houses. The loops go on for days with survivors in the houses. Even your bots know this and work those vaults like no other. Maybe shrink it a bit..and as a dredge player...maybe add a few lockers.
It's not so bad. You go into hidey ho a long ways off of a generator then slice and dice to it. Think of it like Pig's ambush only how it should've been.
Snow skulls are awesome. Next year maybe throw the animation in to polish it off a bit more. I did prefer being able to stay inside a snowman as the killer last year. Having the snowballs break you out makes it a bit less enjoyable to go in. I have zero game programming experience, but it's it possible to add a frosting to…
I'm on Switch.. No graphic settings to change whatsoever, and I'm dropping down to 30fps randomly... Reminds me of the old counterstrike days with still animation of legs running.
I had a repeat of the same glitch already with two holes in the outer wall appearing. This time as Freddy. Still on Switch.
So true, and just like the killer's circles they should be visible to all players as well.
I had it happen on switch as well while playing as Pig. You could walk around the map to behind the exit gates as well. It appears that the break happened with a tree hook combo spawning where a wall should go.... There's also a pallet spawning so it can be dropped to block a box as well... Keep that error in though...I…
Happened to myself as well on Switch. Using only oppression and nowhere to hide on Grave of Glenvale. I hooked a survivor on this death hook, during the animation of them rising up I unbound Victor and that's where I stayed. This is also the first since patch 6.6.2 for me.
I would suggest making a walkie talkie item. Needs to be turned on to work, uses batteries (add on items) different clarity speakers (another add on) and has an effective range (tier 1/2/3) Can be dropped or lost, possibly found in a chest. It will bring voice coms into the game in a limited fashion, and give BHVR a way to…