Two BIG questions about cross-play and MMR!
1. Are you able to turn cross-play for PC off but keep it on for Xbox/PS4/Switch? I don't think it should be almost mandatory for console to play against PC with all the advantage PC has over console. (Queue times will be long for disabled cross-play players) 2. Will survivors have different MMR for playing solo and with a…
When you don't see your perks, your gateau grants 0% bloodpoints
This has happened multiple times, at the score screen, if you don't have perks, your gateau gives 0% BP instead of the bugged 140%. I hope this gets fixed with the hotpatch fixing the gateau. If I don't get my up to 520% in a game because of this bug I'm gonna cry...
Gateau gave no bloodpoints at all .
Just had a game where I (and two survivors) used a gateau and had 4 stacks of BBQ. I made 28k. My results say 56k. The scoreboard shows me with no perks. Not only did I not get the 312% BP from the gateau bug, I didn't get the 140% either.
Can you use a 4th perk for the legion and huntress challenge?
Or does it have to be JUST those three perks?
Who makes max brutality the fastest?
Recently I've been playing doc just to get my 4 stacks of BBQ and 8k in deviousness, hunting and brutality, then let everyone go. I run distressing for the shack blast range, but also for the 100% deviousness bonus, but brutality takes like 25 M1s to get 8k. Is there killers who make brutality fast enough to hit 8k around…
My console tier list (and explanations)
S: Doc is my main, and I think he's strong and he can use a lot of different perks and has add-ons that aren't just cooldown and recovery. Freddy's freddy. Spirit is strong, but I've only seen a few great spirits on Xbox. A: Honestly A and B can be swapped depending on perks and add-on chooses as well as skill ceiling. I…