I've been trying to get this challenge for 2 hours now and after 8 games of 3-manning with the last one either dc'ing, running to the other side of the map until they bleed out or EGC claims them,... This challenge is just stupid as #########. Survivors know what I'm doing and they are not going to grant me this challenge.…
Lately due to nurse nerf and stuff taking place I decided I'd try the survivor side more as I simply wasn't in the mood to get tbagged, flashlighted, etc. By survivors the whole time. I've come to understand though that solo survivors have it way harder than killers but not for the reasons you might think. Never have I had…
So in Peanit's most recent post with the new stats there was a graph with nurse's performance on pc showing she didn't drop that much when it comes to killrate. Why can't they show us the console stats for nurse? Are they too low and if so how did the nerf affect them? I as a console nurse find her to have taken quite a…