Spirit and NOED
Guys, can you please stop crying? The spirit was already nerfed and now is perfect. Same with NOED. I'm main killer and surv
Anniversary event
What is known about the upcoming anniversary event?
Summer event
I know it is too early to ask, but is there any chance that this year there will be a summer event? I didn't have the opportunity to play the last event and it would be nice if there were another chance to get the skins those who couldn't get it
Are the devs finished fixing the game?
They added dedicated servers, temporarily banned the disconnection and improved the health of the game... Would they need to do something else or have they finished fixing the game?
Nueva posibilidad de tener cosméticos/skins
Estuve pensando en la posibilidad de que los desarrolladores implementen la opción de comprar y regalar skins para amigos, incluyendo también skins de eventos anteriores porque muchos no tuvieron oportunidad de jugar a tales eventos y sería lindo tenerlas porque en una actualización regalaron skins que solo se conseguía…
Will the events return as before when the 10 tomes end?
I started playing after the Chinese New Year 2019 event and I had no opportunity to take advantage of that event, as well as the Halloween 2018 and the barbecue event, so I would like to know your opinions and hopefully the devs read this so they give you a chance to play those events to the new ones