PC - Missing Perk Bug Doesn't Award Gateau Points
Play a trial RNG into the missing perks on endgame screen bug Don't get your bloodpoints Unfortunately I forgot to screencap it but me and 3 others burned cakes and while mine wasn't consumed I also didn't get any bonus points. I have zero clue how to reproduce this bug since it's seemingly at random but it happens maybe…
Add a reconnect function, or remove DC penalty
Sometimes you get randomly disconnected from a match through no fault of your own and you automatically get banned. For these situations please add a way to reconnect so that people who just get screwed over by internet don't have to suffer bans meant for toxic a-holes who dc all the time. Your character just stands…
Why is everyone bringing Moris today?
I legit went against killers who brought red moris 4 games in a row, and naturally killed us all off first hook. The first couple, a guy brought a key so I get that, but the other two there were no keys and hardly any items at all. The last game absolutely killed all enjoyment I was having with the game, so once I got…
Please for the love of god fix matchmaking
We're Gonna Live Forever changes?
So killers have BBQ, a pretty useful perk with the nice bonus of extra bloodpoint gains. It's pretty nice, but survivors have We're Gonna Live Forever, which does absolutely nothing except give you bloodpoints. I personally think it's a little bit unfair that if survivors want the same bloodpoint gains killers get, they…
Custom Chase Music for Pig
Plz work it out with Lionsgate to include Hello Zepp or some version of it as Pig's chase music it'd be really really cool <3
DbD Matchmaking is a flawless system
They let me die on hook and werent even on gens :(
Crossplay status?
Does anybody know when we're getting crossplay between console and PC? I really wanna play with my Uncle and his group but they're PS4 players and I'm PC. Please Behavior out of all the things I want I just want Crossplay between platforms :(