Please for the love of god fix matchmaking
This happens to me all the time, and it's really frustrating. Especially when so many people enjoy flaming after the match. Yes, I get it, I suck, I'm a scrub, it was ez, yes I know, I'M NEW.
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If you havn't seen it already, they plan to, over the next year not fix it and implement a new MMR system which will pretty much be the current broken matchmaking except if your matched with people of a higher skill-level you arn't punished in the tally screen and vice versa. I know there are MMR systems that do work, the devs have stated they plan to have it match up as close as possible but this is a game where you can't have a gap in skill in match's, otherwise it defeats the purpose and goal, and there aware that the new system will act as it is now.
But that's not what you asked for.
Why they won't fix the current system so match's are at least somewhat fair until they start this, who knows.
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"over the next year" they need to fix things now, not in a year, though.. Revert the deranking system, just that alone would fix a big part of the problem