We need this Halloween Skin
Since the new Halloween movie came out it'd be nice to get the Movie skin in the game I can't be the only one who wants this skin in the game
Survivors need a nerf!
so let me get this straight so survivors can have flash grenades and Instantly stun the killer if he OR she kicks a generator and all these perks dead hard,borrowed time and d strike BUT Killers can't have the original enduring where it would've shorten the amount of time that the killer gets stunned! REMEMBER the survivor…
Is there penalties for survivors that don't heal from the virus
I don't play the ptb (wish it was on switch) but I've seen game play on it and I'm not sure if there's penalties for survivors don't heal themselves from the t virus
HEY DEVS the Survivors/SWF needs a nerf!
If you face a SWF and they know what they're doing you have a huge disadvantage! Especially if they're communicating. If you don't get a hook in before the first gen pops than it's over. The killer takes up so much time chasing survivors and dealing with loops that heck when they get that hook in the next to gens are ready…
Just a way to rope me back in!
Just when I stop playing Dead by daylight they drop a resident evil trailer????? Damn I'm hyped for this! I hope its the original Nemesis And Leon and Clair as survivors! I would definitely buy that! Now Dead by daylight developers you guys have an Great opportunity to make this chapter GREAT and BIGGER! than stranger…
Nerf survive with friends groups!
My gosh SWF groups are so hard to combat and it gives the killer such a huge disadvantage. I have no clue why the Devs favor the entitled survivors so much. They need a nerf or atleast mark who's in a group at the lobby. Atleast that way I can atleast prepare for a tough match. Reminder developers it's a 4 player VS 1!
Why do the Developers love survivors so much??
I just had to comment on the recent patch and the ridiculous nerfs. They nerf killers so much. They nerfed enduring and it toke awhile to fix freddy, and then nerfed The Doctor now he cant cancel out loops with his shock,Hex ruin is very much needed ESPECIALLY in the high ranks. Alot of killer mains stopped playing…
I'm done playing this game
I kid you not every single match I get text messages from survivors blaming me for their loss. There was a match i was playing as doctor and a dude texted me complaining that i kept on shocking him. And it takes waay to long to catch up to survivors especially if they are doing insane loops. And gen rushing is just…
Will you make the length of gens longer??
Im talking about increasing the time it takes to complete a gen. When ever i play killer survivors gen rush like crazy one time 3 gens poped at the same time
Are you going to bann toxic players?