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Are you going to bann toxic players?

Im talking about survivor's who are very Toxic towards the killer and who are very rude to killers for camping,tunneling

Best Answer



  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965
    If there harrassing you verbally they still have to judge whats to far and whats not on pc. On steam if they harrass you thats more of a steam issue. With consoles its kinda the same platform has to deal with it. You can get games like rainbow six siege that deals with it on no naughty mean language. So that can lead to people feeling unfairly banned for minor infractions. I think best way to deal with toxicity towards self is to block that person so you shut the faucet. I myself tell them to grow up then block. Done and they have no chance to continue the fire of toxicity.
    I do get mad when its hillbilly camping at start of game though. Fastest killer should not camp and if so wear insidious like a badge of honor perk. Wraith be sneaky when invisible not your outline in front of me. Same with pig hide somewhere cause also got no terror radius when crouch. This is coming from a killer main so facecamping is annoying specially when done wrong. Insidious is a perk meant for that strategy of staying still.
    Survivors though can gen rush if someone faces camps so can rob them of points if just do the gens and get out while that one survivor dies. It annoys me when i get facecamped and a survivor doesn't get the fact to do generators and get out. When that killer gets everybody from face camping everyone.... sorry but the survivors are idiots and the killer is toxic as hell.

  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770

    anything in this game is toxic which is why you cant just ban toxic because there is no definition. Survivors surviving is toxic and killers killing is toxic ya know i mean?

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    No, the game would be dead already since all players would have been banned :wink:

  • PinkEricka
    PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042
    Survivors have a right to be rude to camping & tunneling killers. I don’t care if it’s a so-called “strategy”, you’re basically sucking the fun out of someone’s gaming experience.
  • PinkEricka
    PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042
    yeet said:
    Survivors have a right to be rude to camping & tunneling killers. I don’t care if it’s a so-called “strategy”, you’re basically sucking the fun out of someone’s gaming experience.
    Basically everything survivors do is unfun for the killer but i don't see you complaining about that 🤔.
    Yes, I know that. I play killer sometimes but I like playing Survivor more mainly because playing Killer is so exhausting to me.

     It is exhausting being pallet looped and 360’d by a very experienced survivor but I know it’s all a part of doing whatever you can to win. 

    You kinda caught me there. Nice point, my friend.
  • BearTrapSnap
    BearTrapSnap Member Posts: 86

    As far as I'm concerned the only truly toxic behavior in game is hacking, cheating by abusing exploits, body blocking survivors and AFKing, or holding the game hostage indefinitely as a survivor. That last one can be hard to quantify but usually the people who do it are happy to tell you they're wasting your time on purpose.

  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940

    As far as I'm concerned the only truly toxic behavior in game is hacking, cheating by abusing exploits, body blocking survivors and AFKing, or holding the game hostage indefinitely as a survivor. That last one can be hard to quantify but usually the people who do it are happy to tell you they're wasting your time on purpose.

    And saying hateful stuff In the end game chat or sending it thru the message feature on console is toxic. 
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    There's a thin line between toxic and toxic-enough-to-be-banned.

    If you feel someone is toxic towards you, who you have reported and who has not been banned, then a thicker skin is what you require.
    Or, you know, the Exit Game button, but that's not my preferred answer.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Peanits said:
    Toxic players do get banned. We can't just ban someone for trivial things like teabagging and camping (especially because camping is such a grey area, and there are times it's the right thing to do).

    If someone does commit one of the bannable offenses, they'll absolutely get banned.

    Excuse me?

    How is camping grey area? We have confirmation from the devs that camping is a 100% legit tactic

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited September 2018

    @BearTrapSnap said:
    As far as I'm concerned the only truly toxic behavior in game is hacking, cheating by abusing exploits, body blocking survivors and AFKing, or holding the game hostage indefinitely as a survivor. That last one can be hard to quantify but usually the people who do it are happy to tell you they're wasting your time on purpose.

    That is not what toxicity means, please use the correct words for the correct offenses.
    Btw being afk is not bannable as long as you dont hold the game hostage, bodyblocking survivors is onyl bannable if you hold them hostage.

  • sergantuss
    sergantuss Member Posts: 43

    How killers will be able to find games if all survivors will be banned...)

  • BearTrapSnap
    BearTrapSnap Member Posts: 86
    edited September 2018
    @Master said:

    That is not what toxicity means, please use the correct words for the correct offenses.
    Btw being afk is not bannable as long as you dont hold the game hostage, bodyblocking survivors is onyl bannable if you hold them hostage.

    Sorry if I wrote that in a confusing way, I meant body blocking someone in as killer and then AFKing, effectively holding the game hostage. I think I did use all the correct terms here, and I would say all those behaviors are pretty toxic. Change my mind?

    And saying hateful stuff In the end game chat or sending it thru the message feature on console is toxic. 
    Definitely, I can't believe I left that out. I'm on PS4 so I guess I think of that as a Sony problem, but that's a big one.
    Post edited by BearTrapSnap on
  • Grey87
    Grey87 Member Posts: 346

    Oh , he's talking only about survivors...
    Though he meant both sides.
    Guess it's another killer main crybaby , who is obviously never said anything and to survivors and who doesn't think that both sides have toxic players.

    I'm outta here , bye o/

  • Terrortot
    Terrortot Member Posts: 423

    I had to turn off messaging on PS4 because of all the toxic messages from survivors. Had one guy send me a 15 second voice text because I had bbq and chili and didnt see the 3rd aura so I checked around him on the hook. He killed himself quick on hook and called me ######### for checking lockers etc when I should have known they were not nearby.

    Had another game with Nurse in Lery's and because of collision issues (lots of areas will stop your blink) I didn't get anyone hooked. They opened the exit gates and went back into the map and hid. After a few minutes I quit the match since they werent ending the game and instantly got messages from 2 of them of "derank asap" and "wow dude really?"

    This game is alot of fun to me, however things like this are beyond disheartening.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    @Kevin_the_wise2000 said:
    Im talking about survivor's who are very Toxic towards the killer and who are very rude to killers for camping,tunneling

    Not on consoles.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    I don't play killer often, mostly because I'm bad at it. But when I do, quite a lot of survivors will actually hold the game hostage if i don't go to the gate to greet their little teabag party.

    I'm willing to concede when the team has won, and I'll wander off if i suspect the tbag brigade is waiting. Waste your time if you want, because i'll be reading a book or watching tv till you give up..

    I had one game where one of the survivors actually took ten minutes to come find me and t-bag. Hope they enjoyed their time on the hook while their team mates ran for it.....

  • @Peanits said:
    Toxic players do get banned. We can't just ban someone for trivial things like teabagging and camping (especially because camping is such a grey area, and there are times it's the right thing to do).

    If someone does commit one of the bannable offenses, they'll absolutely get banned.

    why is camping a grey area?

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,522

    @WienerSchnitzel_OA_ said:

    @Peanits said:
    Toxic players do get banned. We can't just ban someone for trivial things like teabagging and camping (especially because camping is such a grey area, and there are times it's the right thing to do).

    If someone does commit one of the bannable offenses, they'll absolutely get banned.

    why is camping a grey area?

    To clarify (because I was half asleep when I posted it): It's not just black and white. To one person, it may seem like they're just doing it to grief you. For the other person, it can be totally legitimate. There's times when camping is absolutely the right decision, so we don't ban for it. While it can be used just to grief, it's also a valid tactic. So rather than try to play detective and determine who's in the wrong and play "Am I going to get banned?" roulette, we just don't ban for it at all.

  • Justicar
    Justicar Member Posts: 319
    edited September 2018

    No, because toxicity is almost completely subjective. Some survivors seem to think that the killer staying on the same map after a hook is toxic.

    Post edited by Justicar on
  • Rootlo
    Rootlo Member Posts: 82

    @Mycroft said:

    @Rootlo said:

    @Mycroft said:

    @Rootlo said:
    If you tunnel me and camp me all game and still fail to kill me I will trash talk. Tunneling and camping is toxic and ruins the game for the survivor. so i return with toxicity of my own. However I dont think you should be banned for being bad at the game, nor should i be banned for calling you bad.

    If you are racist or cheating then yeah you deserve a ban.

    A killer's job is killing you.

    You don't get to critique or judge. Do your job right and stuff your made up rules.

    Considering that 90% of the games i get tunneled or camped I live, im going to call you trash for using a cheap tactic. If you dont like it learn to play.

    LOL. I get to do whatever I want. You didn't buy my game. I will camp or whatever I want, as long as I don't hack or cheat it's perfectly fine.

    I'll put it like this. Every day lions kill prey. Lions never stop to give one care about what the prey thinks about their tactics. You signed up to be prey, by your own volition.

    You don't get to decide what or how I do what I do.

    Got it?

    If you read my post, I never said that you can or cannot camp/tunnel. All I said was if you do it, im going to call you trash. Please learn to read.

  • Rootlo
    Rootlo Member Posts: 82

    @Mycroft said:

    I love how survivor mains use everything they have available from looping to whining to the devs to using third party programs no one says a word but hit the same survivor twice in the same match and it's "tunneling" The biggest load of BS since camping.

    Get over it.

    I rarely ever get killed when I get tunneled, I know how to juke and loop and waste killers time. And when killers camp someone I take my Gens and get out the gate with my Pip.

    And stopping what you are doing to turn and chase the survivor that just got off the hook is Tunneling.

    But goodluck with your 0-1 kills every match.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    Rootlo said:

    @Master said:

    @Rootlo said:
    If you tunnel me and camp me all game and still fail to kill me I will trash talk. Tunneling and camping is toxic and ruins the game for the survivor. so i return with toxicity of my own. However I dont think you should be banned for being bad at the game, nor should i be banned for calling you bad.

    If you are racist or cheating then yeah you deserve a ban.

    Be toxic to me and I am in the mood for another camp/tunnel game.
    Yes I dont care, I can do that all day :wink:

    Go for it cause 90% time i run him around until he gets gen rushed. Then i flame because he is bad enough that he cant get a kill with a cheap trick.

    Don’t mind if I flame you as well for Looping then either do you? You suck at hiding and jukes, and just rely on a cheap exploitation of hit box size differences. 
  • Rootlo
    Rootlo Member Posts: 82

    @Mycroft said:

    @Rootlo said:

    And stopping what you are doing to turn and chase the survivor that just got off the hook is Tunneling.

    Enjoy your 1 kill per game

  • Rootlo
    Rootlo Member Posts: 82

    @SovererignKing said:
    Rootlo said:

    @Master said:

     @Rootlo said:

    If you tunnel me and camp me all game and still fail to kill me I will trash talk. Tunneling and camping is toxic and ruins the game for the survivor. so i return with toxicity of my own. However I dont think you should be banned for being bad at the game, nor should i be banned for calling you bad.

    If you are racist or cheating then yeah you deserve a ban.

    Be toxic to me and I am in the mood for another camp/tunnel game.

    Yes I dont care, I can do that all day :wink:

    Go for it cause 90% time i run him around until he gets gen rushed. Then i flame because he is bad enough that he cant get a kill with a cheap trick.

    Don’t mind if I flame you as well for Looping then either do you? You suck at hiding and jukes, and just rely on a cheap exploitation of hit box size differences. 

    I actually dont. Im not a snowflake who gets hurt by word on the internet. I have gotten flame from killers for dying at the end of the match, and I deserve the flame for dying. If you think i'm trash for looping please flame me. Flaming is 50% why I love online games.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @Mycroft said:

    @PinkEricka said:
    Survivors have a right to be rude to camping & tunneling killers. I don’t care if it’s a so-called “strategy”, you’re basically sucking the fun out of someone’s gaming experience.

    Sadly this goes both ways with SWF groups who "bully" and D-strike players. By no means am I arguing with you as I agree camping ruins someones fun but sadly most matches will end up with at lest 1 person not having a great time. Best we can do is move on to the next match. If someone is being toxic or rude to you (regardless of survivor or killer) don't be toxic or rude back as that will only escalate things to a level that brings everyone down. Be the bigger person.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    Rootlo said:

    @SovererignKing said:
    Rootlo said:

    @Master said:

     @Rootlo said:

    If you tunnel me and camp me all game and still fail to kill me I will trash talk. Tunneling and camping is toxic and ruins the game for the survivor. so i return with toxicity of my own. However I dont think you should be banned for being bad at the game, nor should i be banned for calling you bad.

    If you are racist or cheating then yeah you deserve a ban.

    Be toxic to me and I am in the mood for another camp/tunnel game.

    Yes I dont care, I can do that all day :wink:

    Go for it cause 90% time i run him around until he gets gen rushed. Then i flame because he is bad enough that he cant get a kill with a cheap trick.

    Don’t mind if I flame you as well for Looping then either do you? You suck at hiding and jukes, and just rely on a cheap exploitation of hit box size differences. 

    I actually dont. Im not a snowflake who gets hurt by word on the internet. I have gotten flame from killers for dying at the end of the match, and I deserve the flame for dying. If you think i'm trash for looping please flame me. Flaming is 50% why I love online games.

    Works for me, same here.
  • apropos
    apropos Member Posts: 245

    I had a guy trash talking me because I was 'face camping' as a killer, but due to both exit gates being open, and he being the only one I had hooked, I wasn't gonna let him go, and if I could I'd get an interrupt. But anyways, I asked the guy why he was calling me trash, and when he said I sucked, I told him 'so?' and tried reasoning with him, asking him if he did this often and he showed me a bunch of screen shots of him trash talking people. So, assuming that was it, i said in earnest, "we all lose sometimes, lets just move on" and he replied back saying "thx for talking to me" and I was kind of baffled because I didnt see our conversation as anything serious, but ######### just got real. Not knowing what to say, I just said "werd" and a few minutes later he said "sorry for being an #########". I didn't reply, because... I thought it was important to let that ruminate with him? Like, maybe he won't do it again, or maybe he'd realize trash talking isn't a good way to make friends. But holy ######### this interaction made me realize that sometimes the anger and frustration people throw my way might just be them indirectly asking to have their feelings acknowledged.

  • Rootlo
    Rootlo Member Posts: 82

    @Mycroft said:


    Well, you have a survivor main literally admit they are toxic but people will pile in here saying "it's on both sides"

    I also could write all the toxic things Killers have said to me in the end screen. Literally both groups are super toxic. If you grew some thick skin you wouldnt be so mad right now

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @Rootlo said:

    @Mycroft said:


    Well, you have a survivor main literally admit they are toxic but people will pile in here saying "it's on both sides"

    I also could write all the toxic things Killers have said to me in the end screen. Literally both groups are super toxic. If you grew some thick skin you wouldnt be so mad right now

    That is the textbox reasoning of a child. Who cares what some killers said or did to you. Just because some people on this game act like degenerates does not mean you lower yourself and join them in the toxic cesspool. Be an Adult, say gg and move on. Trash talking back literally accomplishes nothing.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @Vankruze said:
    No you may not face camp without some form of repercussion. Let's be honest, if you do that you're asking for it. You can't sit there camping your killer matches and think survivors aren't going to get pissed about it then you want them banned for having an opinion of your scummy gameplay? nope sorry better luck next time! (act like a scum bag get treated like one)

    Yeah! You show those camping killers!

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146
    edited September 2018

    @Vankruze said:

    @Mycroft said:

    @Vankruze said:
    No you may not face camp without some form of repercussion. Let's be honest, if you do that you're asking for it. You can't sit there camping your killer matches and think survivors aren't going to get pissed about it then you want them banned for having an opinion of your scummy gameplay? nope sorry better luck next time! (act like a scum bag get treated like one)

    Lol, you get caught then blame the killer for catching you.

    Yeah, firmly rooted in sound reasoning.

    Has absolutely nothing to do with being caught and hooked but if a killer is going to blatantly face camp then why cry about survivors putting crap on him about it post match? makes no sense.

    Because its pointless and stupid. Accept your defeat and move on. You have to sit in the post game lobby waiting for the match to end just so you can get a witty remark in on how trash the killer is? Its not hard to click leave and join another match.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146
    edited September 2018

    @Vankruze said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Vankruze said:

    @Mycroft said:

    @Vankruze said:
    No you may not face camp without some form of repercussion. Let's be honest, if you do that you're asking for it. You can't sit there camping your killer matches and think survivors aren't going to get pissed about it then you want them banned for having an opinion of your scummy gameplay? nope sorry better luck next time! (act like a scum bag get treated like one)

    Lol, you get caught then blame the killer for catching you.

    Yeah, firmly rooted in sound reasoning.

    Has absolutely nothing to do with being caught and hooked but if a killer is going to blatantly face camp then why cry about survivors putting crap on him about it post match? makes no sense.

    Because its pointless and stupid. Accept your defeat and move on. You have to sit in the post game lobby waiting for the match to end just so you can get a witty remark in on how trash the killer is? Its not hard to click leave and join another match.

    You're now assuming that one would just kill themselves on the hook instead of struggle to see if somebody will help? Don't make assumptions about me or anybody that has been face camped before you make yourself look like a total douche bag. It's got nothing to do with "waiting around until post match to make a witty remark" take your head from your backside buddy you're not as entitled as you think you are.

    I assumed you would kill yourself on the hook? Where in my post do i imply you would suicide on hook? Also i am curious to know how the word entitled applies to anything i just said. What about me makes me entitled?

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @Vankruze said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Vankruze said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Vankruze said:

    @Mycroft said:

    @Vankruze said:
    No you may not face camp without some form of repercussion. Let's be honest, if you do that you're asking for it. You can't sit there camping your killer matches and think survivors aren't going to get pissed about it then you want them banned for having an opinion of your scummy gameplay? nope sorry better luck next time! (act like a scum bag get treated like one)

    Lol, you get caught then blame the killer for catching you.

    Yeah, firmly rooted in sound reasoning.

    Has absolutely nothing to do with being caught and hooked but if a killer is going to blatantly face camp then why cry about survivors putting crap on him about it post match? makes no sense.

    Because its pointless and stupid. Accept your defeat and move on. You have to sit in the post game lobby waiting for the match to end just so you can get a witty remark in on how trash the killer is? Its not hard to click leave and join another match.

    You're now assuming that one would just kill themselves on the hook instead of struggle to see if somebody will help? Don't make assumptions about me or anybody that has been face camped before you make yourself look like a total douche bag. It's got nothing to do with "waiting around until post match to make a witty remark" take your head from your backside buddy you're not as entitled as you think you are.

    I assumed you would kill yourself on the hook? Where in my post do i imply you would suicide on hook? Also i am curious to know how the word entitled applies to anything i just said. What about me makes me entitled?

    I am not going to repeat myself.

    Because you have no argument. Have it your way.

  • PinkEricka
    PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042
    RSB said:

    @PinkEricka said:
    Survivors have a right to be rude to camping & tunneling killers. I don’t care if it’s a so-called “strategy”, you’re basically sucking the fun out of someone’s gaming experience.

    @Dudddd said:
    Kevin_the_wise2000 said:

    Im talking about survivor's who are very Toxic towards the killer and who are very rude to killers for camping,tunneling

    Why are people so fragile? If you get mentally effected over remarks made towards you on the internet im sorry but stay off the internet, When i play killer i get the typical looper who drops a pallet on me then tbags . Do i care? no why? because its a game he hasn’t done anything that i feel is disrespectful towards me or my family, i enjoy playing against people who play like me because altruistic players always get too cocky and mess up . Play both killer and survivor and you’ll enjoy the game more , or just play with others making friends instead of being miserable playing killer only complaining about people who have experience like yourself who can challenge you at the top ranks.

    @Grey87 said:
    Oh , he's talking only about survivors...
    Though he meant both sides.
    Guess it's another killer main crybaby , who is obviously never said anything and to survivors and who doesn't think that both sides have toxic players.

    I'm outta here , bye o/

    @Rootlo said:
    If you tunnel me and camp me all game and still fail to kill me I will trash talk. Tunneling and camping is toxic and ruins the game for the survivor. so i return with toxicity of my own. However I dont think you should be banned for being bad at the game, nor should i be banned for calling you bad.

    If you are racist or cheating then yeah you deserve a ban.

    Found the first toxic, entitled survbois, without you this game would be a better place, you are unwanted here and always be.

    Good luck in your life with this attitude, you may insult the wrong person and get your legs broken.

    I’m just waiting for the day you get banned.
  • PinkEricka
    PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042
    edited September 2018
    Giche said:


    Only by reading the posts he quoted, i'm wondering : Are you really trying to convince peoples that you have the moral high ground ?


    "What a rude person, i just told him that he is a crybaby "

    You have no shame ,huh ?

    You REALLY all should change your avatar to this one who would fit better :

    I’ve gotten into arguments with him at least twice or three times now on different threads. Don’t be fooled by the quotes he’s posting on THIS thread. 

    He’s literally so quick to blame EVERYTHING on Survivors, even during the times when Survivor aren’t at fault.

    We all have times and situations where we don’t have the moral high ground but whenever I’m in an argument with @RSB, I’m the better person all the time because he fails to try and present a civil argument without insults or babyish imitations of how “all” survivors supposedly act.

    Give respect and you get respect back. That’s how this works. No spoonfeeding morality to someone. Anyone that heads straight off with insults in arguments is beneath
  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2018


    I see the kind of posts he quoted everywhere on this forum.

    And pretending that both side are equally toxic is intellectually dishonnest.

    Post edited by Giche on
  • PinkEricka
    PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042
    Giche said:


    I see the kind of posts he quoted everywhere on this forum.

    And pretending that both side are equally toxic is intellectually dishonnest.

    How is both sides not being equally toxic? 
  • Baphomett
    Baphomett Member Posts: 394
    Giche said:


    I see the kind of posts he quoted everywhere on this forum.

    And pretending that both side are equally toxic is intellectually dishonnest.

    To be fair, pretending there are "sides", rather than individuals that play this game, is intellectually dishonest.  And the argument over which role is played by more toxic players is irrelevent. 

    Toxicity is the issue.  This is not unlike arguing about which neighborhood has the highest crime rate, while simultaneously labelling all residents of the "other" neighborhood as criminals, rather than addressing the actual crime.

    Make sense?
  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited September 2018

    Banning toxic players? Banning constant DCers? Banning Exploiters?

    Now banning people who cheated legacy tho, you might be onto something there :chuffed:

    We focus on the real issues here at BHVR

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @Rootlo said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Rootlo said:

    @Mycroft said:


    Well, you have a survivor main literally admit they are toxic but people will pile in here saying "it's on both sides"

    I also could write all the toxic things Killers have said to me in the end screen. Literally both groups are super toxic. If you grew some thick skin you wouldnt be so mad right now

    That is the textbox reasoning of a child. Who cares what some killers said or did to you. Just because some people on this game act like degenerates does not mean you lower yourself and join them in the toxic cesspool. Be an Adult, say gg and move on. Trash talking back literally accomplishes nothing.

    Believe me, weather or not you trash talk me makes no difference. If you suck, I will trash talk you. If I suck, I want you to trash talk me. Trash talk is what makes online games fun. "Trash talk is what makes online games fun" What the #########?!

  • PinkEricka
    PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042
    Baphomett said:
    Giche said:


    I see the kind of posts he quoted everywhere on this forum.

    And pretending that both side are equally toxic is intellectually dishonnest.

    To be fair, pretending there are "sides", rather than individuals that play this game, is intellectually dishonest.  And the argument over which role is played by more toxic players is irrelevent. 

    Toxicity is the issue.  This is not unlike arguing about which neighborhood has the highest crime rate, while simultaneously labelling all residents of the "other" neighborhood as criminals, rather than addressing the actual crime.

    Make sense?
  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @Mycroft said:

    @Rootlo said:

    If you suck, I will trash talk you. If I suck, I want you to trash talk me. Trash talk is what makes online games fun.

    I think this says it all about the quality of players of this game.

    Ochido has done a number on this community.

This discussion has been closed.