Dedicated Server fix When?
Hello can you fix the servers, or remove them again this game is 100% unfunn to play with this servers laggs window bullcrap hits killer bugs and what not plsfix or remove
Killers Abuse Harvester again
The Harveseter is buggy again can you fix it thx
why not show rank to survivers to other survivers
this happens me very often to get matched wit an rank 15 and im rank 1 and this rank 15 play like rank 20 with no brain
Show Surv items after start game
Show surv items after game start game pls becose killers dodge so much becose of this or they bring mori dont let the killer know befor and dot shw killer the surv names wud be very nice
Show Killers Name in Lobby
Hello it would not be good to show the name of the killer in the lobby, or remove the name survivor, so you know if you want to play against this killer or not. What do you think? or that you have an x or a hook in afterchat and who you are in the lobby is the x or hook is displayed dan you know it also if you want to…
Freddy Balance a suggestion
Freddy's ability must be such that he can only make fake pallets on destroyed pallets and collapse as with the doc, and only make 3 slow down traps then he is still strong enough What do you think? i mean is not really a nerf just an adaptation.