Wake Up disabled?
What happened with Wake Up that needed it to be disabled? Does it just not work like it's supposed to, or is it overriding other gate opening add ons/perks? I'm curious to know about it.
A Cheating Spirit
I was just on a match in The Game against a Spirit (Said Spirit was being played by a Twitch streamer, who I won't name as per forum rules). Near the basement with the 2 pallets, both pallets had been dropped while the Spirit was outside of them, which in turn should have forced her to break at least one of them to get to…
When did this happen?
I just logged in game and the news section said that the Temple of Purgation map has been re-enabled. When did it get disabled? I check news on this game pretty regularly and I legitimately don't remember when or if the devs have said that it was disabled.
When the Resident Evil Chapter drops...
...Their better be a trophy titled "Master of Unlocking" That's all. Have a nice day.
I think they just hinted a new Legendary Skin for Plague...
Or at the very least hinted that Lady Dimitrescu will be in the RE chapter in some way. She is supposed to be over 9 feet tall, so it's not totally out there.
Weird thing I just noticed...
You know the idle animations that survivors have in the lobby? Well I think they forgot to give Richter some because when I equip him with an item he kinda just... freezes. The game is still running, and I can rotate him, but he just sorta stops moving. Just something funny I noticed.
PS4 Adrenal Gland charm texture bug
So I went into the Blight's hook to put charms on it and found that the texture for the Adrenal Gland appears a flat black color all around it except for the top of the lid. It looks like this on every hook position and when I select it for inspection, it also appears black. It is the only charm that appears to have this…
Randomly Unable to exit Survivor Lobby (PS4)
I've had an issue where randomly after I return to the lobby from a trial as survivor (unsure of this can happen in killer lobby), I can't exit from the lobby to the main menu without resetting the game. It registers the sound of me pressing the exit action, but it won't actually do anything. Strangely, I'm able to open…
The bird has flown away
Farewell my feathered friend, you are flying to greater heights. Godspeed little Vulture from the main menu, Godspeed.
How big can you make the Doctor's Terror Radius?
If you were to combine Distressing with both of the largest Calm add ons, How big would his Terror Radius become? I can't find the numbers on the wiki, and I really want to know how huge his Terror Radius can be so I can see if I can use it to screw with Survivors.
Weaved Ring bug?
The description of the item says: "Do not lose the Key on death, lose this add-on instead." I ended up dying on the hook with a purple key with this add-on attached, but when I go back to the lobby, that key AND the weaved ring add-on are gone. Was this intentional or just a bug? I'm annoyed and really confused.
Double Free SongBird?
So I went to the customization for Kate and saw that there are 2 selectable icons for the Free SongBird torso. They both look exactly the same, and I have no idea why this is a thing. Thoughts?