Where has the fun gone out of this game? Match after match after match no matter if I play killer or survivor the people I go up against are complete sweatlords. They aren't there to make the game fun for the other people they are playing with. Killers constantly camp/slug/tunnel, even when playing swf (non comms) and the…
At least once a day I am playing a game and there is a incredibly deafening sound bug that starts and I can't do anything then, the game DC's with an error but I then get a disconnection penalty! The endgame screen then shows as me having escaped and the Killer DC'd but I was with another person and they carried on playing…
I need to send a video to prove the report I made in game but it keeps saying 'The upload took too long, connection was lost' What do I do I really need to send it the I was farmed and the game was held hostage for 15 minutes from a Survivor and Killer working together.