I have played both sides and come across 'sweats' on both sides. I will say though that to me there is no point interacting with the void stuff as a survivor in SoloQ its just gets you killed.
Billy has been over tuned he's almost impossible to counter I've been out of line of sight and they still flick around the loops. There is no point as people have said playing against them. Not only that the amount of them that just go back to hook to down the person unhooking is beyond a joke. That along with seeing them…
Omg I saw this and was like how can this be that bad?!? They really need to QC things…
I logged in to find this post I'm glad I'm not the only one it's borderline unplayable for me right now. Getting stuck rubberbanding its not only frustrating but its so bad sometimes its disorientating as the camera angle is switching too I was walking around a corner chasing a survivor and I walked round trhe corner 3…
This, I'm trying to have fun. Do challenges and killers want to slug, camp and tunnel. BM for no reason, I'm solo it's not on me if my teammates want to play like idiots. 1st game on a Pyramid Head that slugged and tunnelled, second game, a Plague that tunnelled and hit people on hook, third game, Onryo slugging/condemn,…
I beg to differ its every match and its also combined with tunnel the first survivor out the match as quickly as possible
This I completely agree with this. I have been playing less and less but and it makes me sad that I put so much time and effort into a game for it to be wasted because the Meta is to Tunnel the first player and gen rush. I played this event and bloodrush and I would say 90% of games were 4 hooks 1 person is dead. It needs…
I use Head On a lot, its great when it works but it's so buggy. Like you say it either doesn't work or I get dragged out a locker by someone that's hasn't even opened the door?? I don't know if that's ping dependant and they opened it their side but I get so fed up of using it when 8 times out of 10 it doesn't work. They…
I fully admit I will go next on this killer, the fact he camps already.... it's only going to get worse and then the way he zones with his minions so it forces you to be double tapped it's boring there is literally 0 skill required to play him cos its just camp and zone. Twins 2.0 except the guards run at the same time as…
Exactly this, the killer doesn't need to have skill. In the games I have played against them they send out a minion who zones me I have no where to go and then I get double tapped. You can't vault as they phase through it you can't drop cos they teleport... It's utter bs tbh that you now have another killer that can get…
I tried it today with Myers, it didn't count either. Tried it with GF immediately after and it worked.
Yeah people have already said this. It's not a discussion point for me. Move on if you disagree. Thank you
I hope so I keep holding out hope 😊
Exactly what I mean where is the fun in this, I know I'm not the only one out here that thinks the same. Larger penalties need to be introduced or something in game where the hook timer stops if the killer stays within a certain range or if they decide to start slugging everyone and you have been on the floor for over a…
Then I admire you!
I'm not being self centered I wanted a discussion about it. I never at any point said they can't
tbh I don't care about rank or the result I just want fun I guess solo queue does make it a lot harder at times
You really have too much time on your hands my guy.
We definitely are the minority
I feel you, its terrible right solo survivor is hard!!!
you were under no obligation either.
I don't know I love the game and I don't play it half as much as I did because of the state its in.
Don't talk to me like I'm an idiot, reading your message was tedious. I was asking where the fun went and wasn't bothered with people and bullshit answers. I've actually had people that understand where I'm coming from so it isn't just me that's the problem. There is no reason to get into an argument about things if you…
Yeah something like this can surely be implemented when they have stuff for MMR even if its not currently working
I was actually considering your opinion until you did that at the end. Shame you can't have a grown up conversation
I never said they can't I just want to know when in became unfun to play. Yes everyone has a different opinion of what's fun but seriously it's becoming ridiculous
I'm not shaming anyone I asked where the fun went if you think I am then that's your own issue. Deal with it
Did I actually say they can't? I asked where the fun went...
I don't sweat I can't be bothered to sweat it supposed to be a fun game.
There's a difference between trying your best and having fun and trying your best and ruining the game for everyone else
Like I said nothing to add don't comment
Honestly I think people actually get off on it, the fact they don't even hide it either. I don't get how they get through the anti-cheat thing
I'm happy you have had a fun time at least there is still some decent players out there! And yes the headless chicken thing is too true! As a solo survivor I see it all too often and often get left on a hook til second stage
Thank guys you've made my day this match was horrendous I was held hostage for 15 minutes.
Perfect thank you so much my friend!!!! 😊
I'm relatively new been playing for about a week and its always the same, luckily I seem to get some nice players that chat at the end. They told me that it wasn't always like this and to keep trying I will keep my fingers crossed!
Hey so I'm new to DBD not even a week a lot of what your saying makes sense. I started off as killer played some survivor went back to killer. Yesterday was the worst day playing very toxic players mismatched in the system. One literally stood there and blinded me with a torch for a good minute... I get told I'm #########, I…