I’m devotion 10 on ps4 and have a pc account too, which is only lvl 25, so I would like to think that I know a bit about this game but maybe I’m wrong and am dumb or just bad. If I play Legion and use his power, am I supposed to be faster than survivors or it’s same run speed? If I play Bubba and use chainsaw, am I faster…
Seems like it started again were I do 3 gens, 3 safe unhooks and escape without getting hooked and get a -1 or barely 0. Yesterday I was rank 1 now I’m back to 5 because not 1 game out of 20 that I escaped since yesterday gave me a pip and even now few minutes ago, 4 gens, 2 safe unhook and 2 good chases gave me 13k bp and…
As you can see on these 2 picks, there’s 3 pallets that are few steps apart and this is why I don’t bother chasing survivors on these maps. Alone that you are forced to break 3 out of 4 walls at the saloon and a couple more on the other side of the map is 2-3 free gens for survivors and than you get these 3 pallets which…
Just wanted to see if anyone else has this issue on ps4 or 5. So like today I try to play survivor and press to hit the skill check but it’s delayed, approximately like a finger or two on the screen, which means I have to press before so it stops after a delay which is an inch or so on my screen and than after a few days I…
I’m curious if anyone else that is playing killer starts getting annoyed and aggressive? I mean I am devotion 9 on ps4 and play both sides equally and good and after a couple of matches I notice that I’m getting more and more annoyed the longer I play . I don’t even lose as killer often and I 4k mostly 7 out of 10 games…