Player Stats!
Hey! As title says.. Wouldn't be nice to have an "info" about how many kills/sacrifices we have with each killer, and for survivors; how many times have we escaped? Something simple to check which ones do we use most of time and so. Same with objects, how many have we used and that.. Thanks for reading (:
Double BP or 1.5 BP Boosters for cells.
Hello there, I've been wondering about the possibility to make 2x or even 1,5x BP boosters in the store. There may be: 3hs booster 6hs booster 12hs booster 18hs booster Those boosters would be bought through the game store and could only be buyed by auric cells. The time may be real time or game time, I don't know. Why¿?…
Hud/Ping Whishlist
I've been wondering about the possibility of disabling the hud that shows players/perks, in order to improve our screenshots experience. Is that even possible? Also the chance to add MS meter to see if ping has changed from the lobby somehow. Thanks in advance.
De-rank possibility
Hey! I've been wondering if there's a possibility of making an option or something similar in our Survivor / Killer section, to automatically de-rank ourselves. Why?? Because at low ranks 3-1 takes a lot of time to find a good match, and by good match I mean green (If perfect) or else yellow ping; mostly as a killer, since…