The DC Penalty should scale with match time
If someone DC's at the start of a match that should impose the max penalty. As the match goes on that penalty should be reduced and if the match goes on for a long time(say 30 minutes) then everyone should be free to DC with no penalty(even keeping their bloodpoints) as a way to avoid hostage situations.
Suggestion - Don't release cosmetics for a character you ruined
You ruined Skull Merchant and now you want to try to leech money off of her? Shame on you! Fix her before trying to money grab!
Skull Merchant changes were a failure and her playerbase is owed an apology.
Ever since she released, anyone who dared play her has suffered from harassment both in and out of the game from people who not only didn't understand her kit but didn't want to. The most recent changes made to her do nothing but give the impression that the devs side with serial harassers and bullies.
Revert Skull Merchant and stop Nerfing killers because of kill rates
Kill rates don't mean anything. Nurse has a low kill rate but is unquestionably the strongest killer in the game. Skull Merchant was balanced before. The only reason she had a high kill rate is because there is a large subset of your playerbase who refuse to engage with her and they aren't going to start because of any…