Unbreakable pallet
Police station, 2nd floor, unsafe pallet next to the cat. breakable only from 1 side. from my side, no break option.
Same account on steam and Epic store is possible?
Hi Iv logged in to my behaviour account on steam. If i ll log in to bhvr inside epic store too, what will happen? 1, ill have everything what i had on steam. 2, the Epic store account login overwrites the previous saves for me, so ill lost the Steam save too. 3, Steam and Epic store are separate and i cannot swing between…
Match feedback working?
The feedback option after the match is even working? Anybody watched the results? reports are investigated? feels like its just some button to calm down people. But i constantly meeting the same problem over and over again. When i play killer: With this mmr system, i cant have fun at all, im getting red 1's 1200hour…
+2 Rank, then why not -2
If we can +2 our rank, by doing everything good, Why cant we -2 our rank if we are terrible. Ranking is way too easy anyway. 30 day is a lot to wait to derank a bit, so some of us can enjoy the game for a few matches without tryharding. a LOT of survivors are high ranked, while they are bad. if i play with 2 or more…