Can anyone else not join SOME of your friends starting today?
everything was fine till I loaded in today to stream some drunk by daylight with people I played with yesterday I now can't join and they can't join me in ANY way ps4
Why did I not get points towards event coins for the last2 days worth of event play?
Why did I not get points towards event coins for the last2 days worth of event play? I have played a good amount of matches my progress wasn't showing points escaping with lantern and breaking lanterns and the news blurb said progress might not show but it won't be lost not the patch has come out today and I haven't…
Cheaters on hill exploit ps4 Please help Devs
I can't believe that this happened in a match this morning. It is so ridiculous that I have to DC and lose all my bloodpoints and event points because some survivors think it's funny to get on a rock on a hill where I can't reach them ( unless they mess up and get too close to the edge ) and hold the game hostage and tease…