Yamaoka Estate breakable walls
Just had a round on Yamaoka and i feel like something is broken here. The main buiilding had nearly all external entrances blocked by breakables. Only one entrance was open on the side and one in the front towards the map. Maybe it is intentional but i personally have never seen this before and it really feels like this…
Losing progress by disconnects. Dead Hard activating but still getting hit
I was starting into a round but the loading bar did not fill up. It took 5 minutes to load in. In the end i and everyone else got disconnected i guess and i lost two pips. I restarted the game after that and lost one more pip? How is all of this even possible and don´t even try to tell me it has to be my network as i never…
Hello, i just played a round as Killer and got put into a Lobby with at least one Hacker. I got spawned on a "Training"-Map and at least two of the four Survivors were able to hook themselves, run around at breakneck speed, fly etc. I´m not really into that stuff so i was standing around. I lost a pip which i don´t care…