Framerate goes down to 30 FPS randomly
Ever since the Nemesis update this has been an issue. It seems to happen after the 1st gen is completed. I'm on Steam. I'm sure the devs knew about this bug and just didn't care and wanted to ship out the update for $$$.
Is No Way Out bugged?
I tried it with Trapper with Remember Me. I got 4 stacks of No Way Out and 4 stacks of Remember Me before the gens were done. I trapped the gates with the Iridescent Stone add-on. Using basic math, the total time it should take to open a gate should be: 74 seconds. 10 seconds base time for No Way Out 8 seconds per token…
When are they addressing keys?
Kind of insulted that the devs snuck in a last second nerf to Mori's but still didn't address the keys at all. We're just told "they're working on it." What is there to "work on?" Make it so keys don't open the Hatch. Done. That's the problem in a nutshell. Now mid-chapter patch happens and they say nothing about…
So when do they plan to fix killers they broke in the latest update?
So glad they were able to nerf mori's before addressing the bugs with Bubba, Legion and Hillbilly.
So let me get this straight
The devs decide Pop Goes the Weasel is too strong because it lasts 60 seconds. But Decisive Strike lasting 60 seconds is considered A-Okay 100% fine? Sure... Not hiding your bias very well, guys.
New MMR sucks but where are the red ranks SWF players getting dumped?
I honestly believe that this is Behaviour's attempt to hide SWF players. They can hide behind their precious data all they want but they know for an absolute fact that SWF with mics break the game. So, I haven't been watched to a red rank SWF in forever. It happened once when I used Hag and I'm not a great Hag and just…
Why is there a killer lock but survivors can still swap out whenever they want?
In addition, will Behaviour ever do anything about that program that allows survivors to see the Steam name of the killer they're playing, what killer they're using and the Offering that's being used? It seems like this is a clear case of bias. Why are killer players locked in but not survivors?